"totally preventable"
"totally preventable"
I should really stop speedreading. I thought I read "John Waters directed...." and this movie took on a whole different meaning. My bad.
Am I seeing things or is that baby wearing a thong?
@OnTheLevel: Not only movie stars, though. When you look back, that's when women went out in public wearing nice dresses or suits and hats and gloves, etc.
Wait....did you say Jennifer Grey is 50?
@SlayBeau: And look what great memories you have of it! That's what the costume is about. Not where it came from. :-)
@SunnyBunnyDays: Well, we always have to shame someone else so we can feel good about what we're doing. Human nature, I guess.
@msAnthrope: I would definitely put Blanchette in the list of uber-glamorous/beautiful. But I think that list is much smaller today than it was in the early decades of the movies.
Growing up, we were always too poor to afford store-bought costumes and I always wanted one.
Well, I kind of agree. Not that there aren't beautiful women on screen, but it's not the ultra-glam beauty of days gone by.
I will never understand why sometimes otherwise rational people give unrational people a platform on which to speak.
"Kim Kardashian Is Naked and Photoshopped to Hell and Back On The Cover Of W"
So, basically, Elizabeth Hasselback was hired to bring a little Fox News to GMA.
And yet more hate for the Snuggie and its relatives.
I have several falls, headband pieces and wig-clips that I wear regularly. My favorite is a half-wig of long, tiny braids attached to a black headband that I absolutely adore.
@Roots500: No, I wasn't trying to be funny. I think death trumps miscarriage of a fetus, and that was my point. I'm sorry if I offended you.
So, did she miscarry?
"This is not what I had in mind when I pulled that sword out of that fucking rock," fumed Arthur.
@blameitonrio is voting MizJenkins for Jezident!: I see your point, but this article makes it sound like same-gender lovers are always more conscientious of giving their partner pleasure than a partner of the opposite sex.