Absolutely! And if that fails, just dangle a washer on a string in front of your tummy and if it circles clockwise, it's a boy. Counterclockwise, it's a girl.
Absolutely! And if that fails, just dangle a washer on a string in front of your tummy and if it circles clockwise, it's a boy. Counterclockwise, it's a girl.
That does not surprise me. I practically get on my tiptoes when I put on mascara and after 43 years of that, I bet my balance has improved! :-)
@withoutabaedeker: Definitely. But to say so out loud is to risk the wrath of moms everywhere, whose teenagers still take a pacifier. :-)
And that photo explains why I never gave my kids pacifiers and why I'm glad my daughter didn't give my grandson one, either.
I just can't imagine how many hours she must have stood in front of a mirror practicing that exact look until she got it "right."
I'm most definitely not a Sarah Palin fan, but even my hard ol' heart has to admit that that particular photo is one of my favorites.
@sarah0220: C'mon. Everyone knows that. Anytime you go to a trade show or a womens show or a bridal show or whatever - you make labels before hand (or use address labels). Name, address, email, birthday, wedding day (if it's a bridal) etc. Then all you have to do is stick the label on and keep going.
You filled out cards? You didn't make labels beforehand, so that all you had to do was peel & stick?
Team Jacob! grrrrrrrrrrr
Age does not prevent STDs. How hard is that to understand?
Good Lord, how old is he in that photo? Twelve?
I wish women still wore hats like that. I have a bunch of cute 40s/50s hats I get in vintage stores, but I never wear them. Lovely to look at, though.
@msAnthrope: Everyone has a different idea about what looks good, I guess. To me, she looks like Madame, the old Waylon Flowers puppet.
Darn. I got all excited because I thought at first Dario was wearing the Armstrong plaid and I was about to give a whoop for my clan. Instead, he's wearing the Campbell plaid.
Maybe so, but the women who get their faces artificially pumped up with God knows what certainly don't look younger, either.
And this is a surprise why?
Yum! Rocky Mountain Oysters!
Ha! I love unexpected Harry Potter references!
@annewithaneee: When I buy a pair. That's usually the death of any trend.
My idea of camping involves room service and a hot tub.