
I’d like to hear why you think French is such a “stupid mess” of a language.

This was heartbreaking to watch, we’ll never know what would have happened. Gamerbee you’re the 2015 champion in my head.

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

No, popping off early is the douche move. Shows a lack of respect when you are supposed to be paying attention to a match at such an important stage.

As nice as that sounds, I would want the Naughty Dog seal of quality.

In the wide shot at 0:16, you can see the Komodo Bros and Tiny Tiger, characters who wouldn’t appear until Crash 2!

It would be amazing if Naughty Dog could make a crash game for PS4.

the game is being funded by sony

Looks like the wolf from Cookie Crisp cereal to me.

“Moe is a disease. I’m the cure”

Now playing

I’d do just about anything for a vinyl of this soundtrack.


Dayum thats an actual good looking female PC. Mine always looked like crack addicts.

Guile is not good at reading signs:

Looks like the Elric boys are going at it again...

You are already Shoryuken’d...

Ooh, can I regenerate my fossils here?

I’d eat it.