
Her design's too busy and random.

Man, there is like no love for Rival Schools?

I got more of an Adon vibe, personally.

I think the PS4 has been selling just fine prior to this game.

Wait, his arm was his wife? I swear I played the game to completion. How did I miss his arm being his wife?


did someones kid die just before they made this game or something?

*puts on Burger King perfume*

Look, I don't really know what kind of organism the main character of Rain World is. Who knows what bizarre experiments or breeding rituals bought him into being. Nevertheless, he/she/it is alive when nearly everything else is dead. So, y'know, points to him. Make sure he keeps living, won't you?

That's what I love about this series. Comical and gratuitous kills and nudity. Funny sometimes hilarious dialogue. With a cheesy 80's backdrop as the icing on the cake. And these movies would have been even better had the MPAA not censored as much as they did.

Man, seriously? You can act stupidly tolerant as much as you like, but did you seriously don't get what magatsu tried to say?

Such an incredible game. Going back to the first 3 games (1,2, & Brotherhood) really makes you realize how far the series has actually gone backwards, in many ways, and sadly, some of the more important ones.

I saw the name Vivaldi and thought "I love that guy!" Well, his music. Then finished the heading and had a moment of disappointment. I mean, I don't know what I was expecting but Vivaldi, man.