This is where the American union mentality reveals its flawed lack of understanding of business, and why pretty much no private sector industry has unions, least of all the places people most want to work.
This is where the American union mentality reveals its flawed lack of understanding of business, and why pretty much no private sector industry has unions, least of all the places people most want to work.
I can understand not liking the brazenness of it all or just that it’s happening, but the only reason to be surprised by any of this is if you were naive enough to think this isn’t how it’s worked for AGES now.
Fuck. Now the Knicks have no chance to win the title!
You have an excellent point. No way in hell would Stern allow this. Competitive balance in the league is completely gone. Why even watch when you know who’s going to win. Then again, I could say the same thing about the WWE and they just signed a contract with FOX for billions.
I never thought I’d ever want to see David Stern’s smug mug ever again but alas, 2018. My favorite sport is killing its entertainment value at a staggering rate.
What sucks is that this makes total sense for Boogie. He’ll hit a market flush with more cap space and another year removed from an Achilles injury, and after he wins a championship, the loser/cancer label will be gone. I can’t even cry foul here.
Finally. Showtime! Get your pretzel ready.
Albanian “persecuted minority” in Kosovo has been involved in systematic killings of Serbian civilians and many other atrocities, including organ theft - extracting kidneys, livers and other organs from Serbian prisoners, in many cases while they were still alive, and then selling them on the black market.
Are you reading a different comment section than this one?
Buster Busted By Beanball Because Brinson Beef Briefly Burned Bright
actually, the review is good
This cop is so clueless. His best chance to ticket JR Smith is to catch him for a meter violation, as he is likely to forget how much time he has left.
The worst thing about this is that he’s a grown man who uses backgrounds for his statuses.
Everybody is talking about how this is shameful to Americans. True, but a huge number of decent Americans are doing whatever they can to fight this evil. As a foreigner, I would like to approach it from another angle: this is shameful to the rest of the World, specially Western nations who claim to be “civilized”,…
Honestly I want him to play. Its not like he was the only reason the team was bad and this team is about to begin a complete rebuild. I am a fan and players like Davis can do things that I enjoy as a fan. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I am unlikely to see the O’s in the World Series and seeing shit like Davis…
Nothing says this woman was even a republican let alone abused the child because of political beliefs.
Melody Carter is an elderly black woman. Seriously doubt she’s a republican.
I’m not convinced that the abuse was partisan retaliation as the abuse of disabled children in their schools is widespread and pervasive =(
Have we lost the idea of any due process before a person’s livelihood is destroyed?
He learned that from the music documentary he saw last night.