Retired Gamer

This is why Nintendo is so protective of its IP’s, why DENUVO is an asset to the industry, and why we can’t have nice things. Nintendo will see this and really go harder (on making it difficult for those of us who do things legally) to play their games. It’s shit like this that makes me hate the gaming community.

I don’t think companies should give the games to any sites or youtubers or anyone whatsoever until the game is available to buy for everyone.

I really dislike commenting on an article without reading anything more than the headline, but I dislike people even more who pirate things and leak all the details to spoil it for everyone.

PS4 was basically a desert for months after launch, so much so that I didn’t even turn it on for 6 months after I got it. People got short memories.

Maybe, I helpfully suggested the other day, having reliable left Joy-Con syncing is available as part of Zelda’s season pass.

I say let these whiny babies have their terrible version of the game but stop calling them “Smash champions” or let them claim they are the best players of the game. When you need to remove the majority of the content before you can play the game without bitching you shouldn’t get to make that claim.

What could the UI possibly have done to make you want a Switch?

I had no problem getting a preorder for this and I got two NES Classics. For the former, I just checked online after the presentation, for the latter, I just bought it online after midnight when they went on sale. I haven’t had an issue getting any Nintendo system since N64

They could release literally every single 3rd party game on the Switch and people would still bitch that it has no 3rd party support.

Having used it at PAX, I’d say its nowhere near as bad as people seem to think it is.

People blame the name but if people can learn that an Xbox One is the third Xbox, they could learn that the Wii U is a Wii successor.

Except most popular Japanese games do better worldwide than their Western counterparts? And nearly every best selling game franchise of all time belong to Japan?

welcome to Japan, where sexuality isn’t quite as taboo as in the US.

I think when someone talks about “real female gamers” or “real men” or “real” whatever, “real” means whatever that person thinks is correct and proper.

I know more than a few women who like this style of fanservice. What’s your criteria for “real female gamers”?

I mean... they’re called the Mario brothers.... what did people expect their last name to be.

No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America. Everyone has equal rights by law regardless of their race. Quoting history is a moot point as white people have also been slaves if you go back far enough in history. All of which is completely meaningless as there is still no justifiable reason to

Can you imagine the uproar if a show called “Dear Black People” was created where the trailer shows a condescending view towards black people? Kinda puts the whole thing in perspective when you think about it. Not that I really care either way, just pointing out why people might find it offensive.

By that logic all the PlayStations are bad and they should have just made PlayStation Plus free because that’s WAY MORE expensive than what Nintendo is offering their online service for. Ditto for Xbox. And that logic also means all the ads we see are for bad products and services. The NES was bad. The SNES was bad.

As a PC gamer, I giggle anytime someone complains of a console being “underpowered.”