Retired Gamer

All these “connections” are somehow always with people with ties to the US government. I guess Obama did try all he could to stop Trump. 

Stephen Miller will be the president of the United States.

And you also want the 1st pick

What you guys hiding up there it could be a bomb.

Just name Hillary the nominee now

Soooo this wasn’t about white people being over reactive cause they saw a large black man in the area as your garbage writer fell for in the other story. Got it.

He’ll be pardoned.

Where do I apply?

Cue the innocent black man in the comments.

“Sanders and Shah are only the latest in a long line of Trump staffers who have fled the White House.”

Nah only no Clinton.

She had finished breast feeding and was playing it off.

I hope they catch each and everyone of them leakers.

These students need to STFU than you.

You Dems really missing the point huh.

She’ll find a better job.

Top Kek

Trump gotta catch’em all.

I wish Trump is a dictator America needs it.