Retired Gamer

Good he was here illegally   

It’s 2018 let everyone dope.

What has Joe Banner ever won to be telling Belichick what to do.

Write better next time instead of puking all over your self in the Patriots are evil olympics.

Gloria Allred had to be involved here somehow.

Hilary is always the victim.

And it won’t matter hahahahaha

This women should get prosecuted for sending nudes to a minor.

Non of this sounds like rape. Sounds like they are mad the guy don’t like them no more.

White people doing anything is racist.

Everything is connected to Charlottesville.

WTF he bid his time. YSU have nothing to do with this to be persecuting the guy again.

It’s because they all suck.

El Salvador did nothing wrong.

I do not care for this fight, will not be betting on it, will not be watching it either. That said I do wish McGregor somehow with one punch k.o’s Mayweather.

This is why we elected Trump!! Excellent!!! Build the wall!!!

Lol end a curse immidiately start a new one.

You do it by breaking his leg on a slide.

Ban all Boston sports teams.

If smoking weed is not a big deal them stoping and making millions playing Football shouldn’t be either.