
Looks ugly. Come on Sony, you can do better.

Gotcha. :)

"You can compress 100 sizeable pictures into an easily emailable 2MB file"

Call me when it's affordable. :p

No USB 3.0 or eSATA, $300 and not available until September?

Agreed. Ridiculously overpriced for a slab of aluminum with pretty useless features.

Now playing

This will go perrrrrfect with my glassless 3D technology!

Good catch. Among the features: "Built in LED Torch Light"

Or how about a solar charger? Those exist already.

Agreed. There are some lithium batteries that claim a 15 year shelf life, but obviously there's no way to test that claim (it hasn't been 15 years since they were developed).

Not really. $20/mo and still useless if the car battery dies.

They're probably more designed to compete for attention at the coffee shop. :p

Probably Android.

The laptop looks sexy. I am a little concerned about the flat keys but the photo looks like an unfinished concept/prototype so I'm withholding judgement until I see pics/videos of an actual production model. Meanwhile, I'm holding off on buying a Windows laptop to replace my netbook.

Truly impressive China, but please build residential buildings like this and price them reasonably so average workers can actually live in them rather than surrounding slums.

Thanks for the education.

Bummer. While Chrome is king of the world on my Win7 machine, I don't like Chrome as much on my MBA either. The gesture support in Safari is unbeatable so far.

No, not mine, lol. Good luck! I haven't installed it, but I'm an avid Chrome user. :)