
That works too. :)

Then hopefully Apple and the carriers would allow us to use facetime over the cellular network. Given that there are more Android devices out there than iPhones, the added bandwidth would probably not cripple an LTE network.

Thanks Jesus. I saw that it was available yesterday but was on the fence about getting it since I don't have any roms and I don't feel like jailbreaking my phone. I decided to go ahead and download the app for now. Maybe Nintendo or Sega will eventually start selling roms or something (crosses fingers).

Yeah, my parents are retired and travel a lot, so they tried Clear WiMax and it sucked balls. :(

I do have Netflix but rarely use it. If it wasn't so cheap I'd probably cancel it. I guess I'm just not a huge consumer of media. I spend my free time primarily reading tech news sites and forums. The other 10% is spent watching shows on my DVR (which is filling up faster than I can clear it).

I <3 Amazon and newegg.

According to the new "usage meter" offered by Cox, I barely use more than 2-3GB per month at home, and I've never gone over 6GB, so in my case...that's a resounding maybe.

This is interesting, although the only reason I'd go to 4G is to abandon my cable internet. My phone's 3G connection is more than fast enough to do all the stuff that I want do on a mobile device.

Now I have another reason to hate them other than using Danica Patrick for their spokesperson. Thank you Giz.

Considering email is BB's primary feature, I'd say that's a pretty big freaking deal though. And the point isn't just that the OS isn't out, but that it's going to be so far delayed as to be irrelevant since it probably won't ever be able to catch up to the market leaders.

How about asking them to leak some info to Gizmodo/Engadget/BGR? At this point, some leakage of that sort could really help RIM's brand.

Brilliant! You just coined a new tech term! :)


Thank you, what an awesome site!

This is a body double.....shhhhhhh.

Maybe facebook just needs to release its own browser...although I think this was already tried when the service was less popular.

Seriously. This dude has skillz.

Me too! Wasn't he a pokemon?

It's a feature...I mean easter egg.

Here ya go. :)