
It hurts me to read that. You know who you are and they have never even met you!

You would have to have some distinction though, no? otherwise the kids would be free to use whichever locker room they wanted whenever they wanted. There has to be some “qualifications” for lack of a better work. It’s almost a guarantee that some idiot prankster kid will go and use the opposite sex’s bathroom because

What has been done to date with intersex individuals - I ask this seriously because I have never heard anything regarding intersex in locker rooms, and that situation has obviously happened in the past/or currently happens

When I was a teenager a cool wind would get me erect - I appreciate your comments but these are kids not adults

By that comment alone you are putting your opinion above others who might feel different

From what I read the school made every attempt to accommodate her - even allowing her to play on female sports teams (which in itself would in most cases allow her team to be at a competitive advantage - typically ppl born males are larger and stronger once in HS than ppl born females). The other students feelings

totally agree. And having individual locker rooms (per student) is impractical due to cost implications

are you in grades 9-12?

That is a perfect solution in a hormone filled high school.

I love the term google-hole. I’ve fell down that whole on a bunch of different subjects just never had the terms for it. Mind if I borrow it now nad then?

I agree. Perhaps they should let her go and stay with you while she rehabilitates? You’re good with that, right?

In most of these cases, the prisoners in SHU are there for behavioral problems. they have to be taken out in shackles or a Correctional Officer may not go home to see his/her family that night. Maybe it’s time for a third classification for trans - I don’t know. But she’s there because she was convicted of a crime.

I know that it doesn’t matter since we hate frats, but was this just one person accusing them, or were there supporting witnesses? If there weren’t witnesses then we are going deeper into a bad place where accusations are all that matters

yes but it shouldn't be ground to fire all the employees that work there.

The Jets have written that a long, long, time ago