I Love Blueberries

The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.

Democrats in general are GOP in disguise. They spent the last thirty years turning into Rockefeller Republicans, which is still not as bad as what the GOP did, which was spend the last thirty years eating lead paint chips and cozying up to Jesus freaks.

nope democrat pretty much covers it

wondered how many beautiful lesbian entertainment industry powerhouses there are to go around in this particular circle.

Whine whine whine about No Man’s Sky. Even before the Foundation update, I was enjoying the hell out of the game. Never watched a trailer, never watched an interview, never paid any attention to the hype. You, you were the cause of your own disappointed for it. You fell for hype, and you seriously need to stop blaming

Sorry but not sorry at all. Burqas are meant to demean women and subject them to misogynistic rules. Women get punished for getting raped in societies that make them wear burqas. Burqas represent truly awful male dominance and subjugation.

If you really wanted these people to work with you, a piece like this is the absolute worst way to go about doing it. Ridiculing people doesn’t convince them of anything, which is Jon Oliver’s problem - all he knows how to do is to stare into a screen and call people stupid. Both of these things can’t be true: it

What about people who have real, from-the-left critiques of Clinton that have never been actually addressed?

I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.

I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.

No, they really don’t

Actually, Hillary should get the fuck out, because she is facing federal charges, is widely considered to be corrupt, takes money from a wide range of questionable people, and really isn’t even a very good politician by any objective measure.

You’re right. Bernie Sanders can’t save black people. And you don’t need to worry about it. Hillary is going to be president and maintain the same center-right politics that have been in place for 8 years. Welcome to America.

Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.

I like the way it looks.

Americans have a problem with bodies. On one hand, they demand to see them (from women), photoshop them when they look too average, shame people for willingly showing them, complain to the FCC when they see too much male nakedness, shame people when they see naked bodyparts in a non-sexual way, or non-average body

The thought of Katie Couric twerking:

She's someone I'd have loved to have a cocktail with back in the day.