
Sure, RE4 is great and all, but I was secretly sort of hoping Capcom would go way left field and remake Code Veronica. At this point, it, 1, and 0 are the last of the tank control REs, and CV’s still rocking its Dreamcast-era graphics, while 1 Remake and 0 still look gorgeous.

The way I learned it was to spell out single-digit numbers and numbers that would be non-hyphenated when written out (IE: 12, 17, 40, etc), or use digits for everything else. Obviously never mix the two.

As has been pointed out elsewhere, accounts can be set to disallow transactions, including card pack purchases in Hearthstone. You can also create Minor accounts, in which case those restrictions are automatically enabled. So either the parent in question disabled the controls, created an adult account for

There’s a pretty big difference between ‘learning about debt the hard way’ and learning to be responsible with money, and it’s pretty disingenuous to conflate the two, particularly since there is no debt here. The child doesn’t owe anyone any money that we know of, unless her parent is insisting she repay him.

I’m not sure I agree with this entirely. It’s maybe a bit apples-to-oranges, but I’ve seen various Black Library authors, including those with no skin in the game because they don’t write for BL anymore and the superstars like ADB or Abnett that could burn GW HQ to the ground and still get a new book greenlit the next

Oh, sure, but then you’re doing a game about Space Elves, which, I mean, I’d be all for, but it’s a little harder to sell.

Maybe fewer block flipping/sliding puzzles too.

Also, just from a practicality standpoint, marines are by far the most forgiving faction for a new hobbyist - relatively large models, most of which is armor plating, make for easy beginner painting projects.

They’re not bogged down in endless amounts of intricate detailing like Mechanicus or SoB, you don’t need a

I thought I read somewhere last year that either Blood Omen or the first Soul Reaver was being remade, but I dunno. Blood Omen is actually the only one I haven’t played, because last time I tried, it wouldn’t run on my computer. Though that was a disk version I bought off eBay; maybe GOG or Steam has a version that’ll

Honestly, and I know I’m Part Of The Problem, but give me HD remakes of the Legacy of Kain series and I’m a happy camper.

It’s definitely NOT a replacement for forums, but for better or worse (mostly worse), the games industry has pretty much decided it IS a replacement.

I mean, thirty years ago, sure. But Aldi’s great now, though their meat section is usually kind of overpriced. Most of their house brands are just as good as name brands, but much cheaper, they’ve got a great rotating selection of weird limited time items, and if you want German food, they’ve understandably got plenty

I’d say it’s in the Midwest, but I doubt that’d narrow it down any.

I don’t know about GCU, but as a practicing Christian who attended a Christian university, the students aren’t really any less prone to drinking, cheating, whatever, than any other school. Particularly considering a not-insignificant number of students at any religious school are likely only there because their

Yeah, I just found out the other day that my favorite MST3K episode, The Final Sacrifice, is no longer available, since the MST guys lost the distribution rights to the actual movie.

Man, what a truly bizarre story. I can’t wait to find out what’s actually going on here in three years once all this stuff shakes out in the courts.

The first paragraph says it’s on Steam.

Perhaps I could interest you in some packets of street raman flavors in exchange for the new Kirby?

It’s called a captive audience!

Honestly, it’s by making great games. In general, unless it’s something truly heinous (and let’s be honest, this is shitty but not unforgivable), people have pretty short memories. BotW2, a whole new Mario, Metroid Prime 3 releases, whatever. All will be forgotten until the next time they do something stupid and