
Based on my (admittedly hazy) memories of EU canon, Hutts were all hermaphroditic.

In retrospect, it’s kind of funny how much they sanded down the insanity of the novel Shadow Complex was based on.

it should be at least comparable laying down french couture fashion on the ground to be stepped on.

Shadow Complex was great, but it had the misfortune to be based on Orson Scott Card, and not only that but Card at the point where EVERYONE could see what a toxic loon he was.

Mad Max - on the surface, just another open-world game that ripped off the Arkham series’ combat, which is fair.

As Kotaku reported previously, perhaps this is why it’s been up to pirates to preserve old games.

Dune is the first thing likely to tempt me into a theater, especially since I’m pretty confident Black Widow will be on D+ for $30 - and that’s one movie I wouldn’t mind paying a little extra for.

Who knew Microsoft adhered to the doctrine of Total Depravity?

The advantage is that they get to throw a ton of stuff against the wall, game-wise, see what sticks, and then renegotiate with the studios that turn out winners and dump the ones that release unprofitable garbage.

Sadly, sculpting remains outside my skillset. And more sadly, Rogue Trader and its models go for insane amounts on eBay anymore. Really wish I’d bought it when it was still in stores.

That canid also outranks you, Trooper. If it gives you any verbal commands, be sure to carry them out before reporting to the medicae.

Those are both urban legends. The first WarCraft was originally supposed to be a Warhammer game, but Blizzard never got the license. StarCraft happily stole ideas and inspirations from 40K, but in no different a way than 40K did from a whole host of earlier novels and movies.

Honestly, I think replacing a clip one handed is probably less difficult than chambering that first round after reloading.

I mean, the obvious difference is that this isn’t a kid but a full grown adult human man. And, shockingly, we hold adults to different, generally higher, standards than children.

I’m getting less of a language learning video and more of a local public access educational show, personally.

First off, car trunks are, generally, locked. And yeah, those firearms kept in police cruiser trunks are unloaded for what are, I think, pretty basic and obvious safety reasons.

My impression of Heywood’s scheme is that he doesn’t really have a scheme, he’s just straightforwardly reacting to opportunities and problems as they arise - pre UnSnappening, he’s trying to reverse-engineer Vision so SWORD can make their own Synthezoids for patriotic/nefarious ends. Wanda comes back, and now he jumps

Conversely, given how universal a complaint it is, and how many games DO correct it, why do so many games that WANT or NEED an endgame continue to launch without it?

The only problem with Dark Knight (which I loved when I played the game still) is that it’s a tanking job, which means super ultra fast roulette queues but (relatively) slow questing.

I feel like Vision being torn apart wasn’t him not being able to exist outside the Hex, it was Wanda’s power tryign to pull him back in - he wasn’t, like, disintegrating or dissolving, chunks of him were being ripped off and drawn back in while he was fighting to resist the pull.