
My problem is that (to my eternal shame) I never finished Witcher 2 and I really feel like I SHOULD before tackling a huge character-driven game like 3- I lost a save right at the very end of the game when my 360 died, and when I restarted I sided with Vernon instead of the Scoia’tel and couldn’t muster the energy to

Every time I think about what game to play next, I remember that I STILL haven’t played Witcher 3, and it bums me out, not least because I know I’ll love it when I finally get to it. 

Given that I don't really want to track down a functioning Gamecube or Wii, I will HAPPILY pay for Switch versions of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. You hear me, Nintendo? Free money, right there. 

So much this. Magical bullshit has been a part of Tomb Raider since she shot a T. rex to death in the first game. Stop being ashamed of it, Hollywood!

Mortal Kombat, maybe Assassin’s Creed (I liked it, anyway). 

Hopefully this time around they aren’t ashamed of the supernatural junk that’s been a part of Tomb Raider from the get-go - seriously, a zombie fungus as the big reveal? So much less cool than a crazy immortal ghost queen. 

Yeah man! I never played the second one - I was a kid and the family computer wouldn’t run it and last time I tried to play it on a modern PC I didn’t have any luck - but I loved loved LOVED the first one and its expansion.

That comparison jumped out at me too. That or the Battlezone reboots from a while back.

I mean, the solution is obvious, right?

I mean, no one hung out in Dalaran because it was under a giant purple bubble. (I assume you meant Darnassus. :) )

I’m pretty sure the Gagetzan and Ratchet AHs were added later. I could be wrong though!

I LOVE the sense of scale in the Homeworld games - I remember one mission in the original Homeworld that was set entirely INSIDE the cargo bay of an inconceivably huge derelict alien ship. So cool. 

Wait, Stormwind had an AH in vanilla? I could have sworn originally only Orgrimmar and Ironforge had Auction Houses (and Booty Bay, of course). 

Having 100% Arkham Knight, I honestly think the funniest thing is if you watch Eddie lock himself in the basement after you rescue Catwoman, and then just take her advice and ignore him.

Fair, but I don’t know that it was supposed to be a surprise to players - it’s VERY heavily foreshadowed through the whole game and if you know you Batfamily, you’ll see who Arkham Knight acts like pretty quickly. The point of the twist isn’t the twist itself, but how it effects the other characters. 

Arkham Knight gets a bad rap (and there are certainly issues with it, like the frankly absurd number of Riddler challenges), but it’s still an excellent game. If Arkham Asylum/City hadn’t come out, people would be calling it the best superhero game ever, bar none.

16-bit Shovel Knight looks great.

Basically everything after 4:10. 

Really makes you appreciate the original level designers, huh?

One would hope that, in a lose-lose situation, they’d at least have the guts to lose on the same side as decency rather than the opposite.