
I should be free to choose where I want to buy something same way your free to choose where you shop for groceries it’s a grossly simple concept.”

Buddy, language works a certain way. If you want to pretend you weren’t trying to insinuate that Patreon supporters were owed (non-EGS) access to the game because they gave a few bucks here and there, knock yourself out.

The fact that you mentioned them being supported by Patreon and said that the game was ‘basically a crowd-funded projectas a means to imply that its crowd-funded origin makes EGS exclusivity a betrayal suggests that you do not, in fact, understand how Patreon works.


If your life is so peaceful that being temporarily prevented from buying more video games is anything but a minor annoyance, I envy you.

‘basically a crowdfunded project first’

I hope this doesn’t come off as confrontational or bad faith, but you mention the negative portrayal of the character’s mental illness as being an issue. What would you want to see in a positive portrayal? Is that just someone who’s diagnosed and getting treatment? Simply living with it? Something else?

It is TODAY, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts the first majorly anticipated game to be announced as exclusive to the EGS without so much as a mention of Steam will be met with just as much rage. 

I really, really like C&D, but they need to rethink their fight choreography. Granted it’s not the most action-focused show, but even so I struggle to think of fight scenes with less impact. Thankfully, everything else with it is stellar.

I didn’t really have much trouble with that, I just couldn’t remember anyone’s names besides Ulrich, Magnus, and Mikkel.

I really liked the first season of Dark, but man. I had such a hard time remembering characters’ names.

Yeah, but Chipotle’s guac (and meat) tastes better, at least in my opinion.

It’s not great. It got better as it went on, but even at its best, it only built to an ‘okay, I guess’, at least in my opinion.

I don’t remember if they were specifically nature-loving folks, but the Warcraft 2 manual definitely showed them as having been manipulated into damnation rather than deliberately choosing it. 

I’d say Widowmaker’s pretty bad. Yeah, Talon mind controlled her to begin with, but now she’s doing what she does by choice.

No way! Your uncle works at Overwatch?

It’s a technology so old we don’t even think of it as a technology anymore, like the written word or crop cultivation.

The flipside to that is that, as a homeowner, I’m responsible for all the maintenance and upkeep on my house - expenses that, were I renting, a landlord would be responsible for. If I were to take the money spent on those expenses and save or invest it, it’s pretty much a wash.

My favorite one was the Guardian of Forever. You can find it in Fallout 2, and if you enter, you wind up in Vault 13 a few days before the start of the first game. You can explore a bit, but the main thing you can do is loot a neat solar-powered laser gun (it doesn’t use ammunition, and as long as you’re outdoors and

They’re not Marvel, but check out the Darksiders series - Joe Mad was the art director for the first two in the series - and Battle Chasers: Nightwar, which is actually based on a series of his.