
listen, real talk. My younger brother is far more into CoD than I, and he told me that you could unlock previous games’ Zombies characters to play in this one. The only thing I need to know is if I can unlock and play as JFK from the Pentagon Zombies map (in Black Ops 1, maybe?), because if so, I’ll buy this right

But again, this is true of just about every comic book story around - oh man, Magneto’s getting ready to wipe out non-mutants again! Maybe we should call in the Avengers to help? Nah. Fantastic Four? Nope. What about the Defenders? West Coast Avengers? Another X-team? Nada, because this is an X-Men comic. I guarantee

I am so torn on Shovel Knight. On the one hand, it’s perfect and I love it and I want more more MORE content for it - can’t wait for the King Knight expansion. On the other hand, I really want to see what they do next. 

That’s my point though. When you make the decision to buy into a large shared universe like Marvel or DC or Star Wars or whatever, you have to accept that every character has their own stories, and that sometimes that means that, logic aside, they go it alone instead of getting help.

Maybe it’s just me, but this never bothered me. Any superhero universe falls apart when you ask that kind of question - Why doesn’t Spider-Man ask Thor to help him beat up Rhino? Why doesn’t Batman ask The Flash to lend a hand next time Scarecrow’s seconds away from dousing Gotham City with fear gas? Why does any

Ugh. I still can’t beat Ser Alonne normally, much less flawlessly, much MUCH less while wearing real life armor.

My understanding - and I’m not a serviceman, but I read a lot of Tom Clancy back int he day - is that many planes have the weight of cannon ammunition more or less ‘built in’ to their aerodynamics, so when the plane is unloaded, the flight balance is off. Because of that, they’re kept loaded most of the time.

I did the same once I got a New 3DS - the original’s 3D gave me a headache, but something must have changed between the systems, because I loved the New 3DS in 3D mode.

I have to say Brian, those burgers don’t look good. At all.

I LIKE Kirk Acevedo, and I’m fed up with Diaz.

I unreservedly love both versions of The House on Haunted Hill. Got to love Vincent Price’s closing lines (excised for the sake of spoilers), and while the ‘99 remake is a silly CG fest, it’s a FUN silly CG fest.

Truly, nature is beautiful.

I’m sure it’ll buff right out. 

Have you played the recent Metroid 2 remake on 3DS? It’s pretty excellent.

True enough. It’d be great if Zero Mission was a bit more accessible now. I genuinely don’t know where to find my old GBA, and I think I gave my DS to a friend when I got a 3DS. 

Feel free to call me a wuss or whatever, but what Metroid needs, IMO, is a friggin’ MAP. I’ve tried to play it a few times, and it’s not fun. Way, way, WAY too easy to get lost - largely because everything looks the same.

I know it’s not likely to fuel a million Tumblrs, but how can you not love Pharah’s Enchanted Armor skin? I’ve been rocking Possessed since the first Halloween event, and I think it’s finally been unseated. 

I’m sure banks will happily accept mortgage payments drawn on ‘exposure’ and ‘gamer goodwill’, right?

Well... I’d probably buy Borderlands 2 on Switch. 

At the risk of sounding like I’m pinning blame here, Borderlands 1 and 2 were Gearbox, while the lion’s share of development on the Pre-Sequel was 2K Melbourne, I think.