
Have you ever read Shocker: Legit? It’s a great story and well worth the time to read.

Hopefully we’ll see something about Metroid Prime 4, though that may still be too far off. A new Mario Maker would be pretty great. Hope against hope for a new Zelda game, but that’s a total longshot.

Lucifer. Hey, good for them if Amazon picks it up for a fourth season. Meanwhile, I’m over here hoping against hope that someone steps in to save The Exorcist.

I’ve long heard that, but that kind of makes it better, you know? TMP has flaws, but they’re Star Trek flaws, just as its virtues are those part and parcel with the franchise. There’s a lot of Star Trek movies that are better movies, but I don’t know that they’re better Trek movies, if that makes sense.

like TMP more than most people, ugly uniforms and all. For my money, it’s the Trek movie that feels most like a great episode of Trek.

Not gonna lie: I saw this picture

Or like Shaitan.

Venture Bros. Check it out, because it’s awesome.

I’ll tell you this much: That Starfield teaser had me wanting to buy the soundtrack today. Beth does ridiculously good music for their games, and Starfield sounded like prime sci-fi music in the best possible way.

I don’t know if three months works as a timeline. I don’t live in New York, but is there generally that much snow in late February?

That all actually sounds pretty good to me! If I’m playing with other folks, I don’t want to have to negotiate how we make a choice in a mission because Sarah hates Faction A, Tim hates Faction B, and Elise just cares about which choice get the best quest reward.


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We already got a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots movie a few years ago, and it wasn’t half bad:

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No one’s going to read this because it’s the next day and I’m in the grays, but Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future:

I am deeply confused - Batman and Catwoman are getting married, but Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle aren’t?

The worst part for Adam Jensen is that it literally will not get better for him - cybernetically enhanced folks get to go from monsters that terrify children straight to obsolete junkheaps that can never improve their lot as nanotech advances and their dated tech is increasingly left behind.

I legitimately don’t know if I liked Leto’s Joker because he had a weird amount of screentime: too much to really be a side-character, not enough to be a main character, and too little actual performance to actually judge him.

I just finished Painted World the other day (aside from killing Priscilla - I didn’t realize you could talk to her when I played the game originally, and I couldn’t bring myself to attack her after talking to her this time around), and it really is all the best parts of Dark Souls in one compact area.

Ironically enough, most games feature long range weapons that have an effective range well below that of a real world shotgun; when I go bird hunting or clay shooting, I’m firing at targets more than fifty or sixty feet away.