
I mean, you wouldn’t say the air in an empty can is part of the can, would you?

The more I think about it, the more I don’t want Monica Rambeau in Captain Marvel. I like the character and would love to see her and Carol onscreen together, but with the movie set in the ‘90s, I’d rather they save her for when Carol makes it to the present day.

Movie-wise, he certainly is.

But he was MY kubrow and I loved him as much as someone could love a collection of pixels on a screen.

Hope lives!



Is it still set up that your kubrow will die if you don’t give it medicine every few days? One of the reasons I’ve not tried to get back into Warframe is because I’m like 95% sure I didn’t stick my kubrow into cryo or whatever last time I played, so he’s probably dead.

Nah, because the straw is only the plastic part. The ‘hole’ is just the empty space INSIDE the straw, not part of the straw itself.

That sounds great. Hopefully this semi-random puzzle generation is well polished though. It’d suck to get a cool sword, only to have the world’s hardest puzzle generated on it by RNG.

I always assume anyone I beat is bad, since I know I’m not good at most competitive games. But legitimately, I mostly played low ranked HL and TL.

Is... is Auriel not good anymore? I haven’t played Heroes in a while, but when I did she was my go-to Support. As long as you had teammates who would stick near enough to you (and wouldn’t disengage the second you crowned them) and landed your sweeps and lashes, you could clean house and keep your team nearly

Eden Assassin should be WAY higher than 24. It and Diablo Intercept are strong contenders for top ten, maybe top five.

Tom Clancy’s Legends: The Hag

I loved that movie when I was a kid. I was well into my adult years before I realized We Need a Little Christmas WASN’T originally a Muppets song.

The show itself is pretty good. I don’t think it’s quite as good as Legends or Agents of SHIELD, but it’s up there. BL’s costumes, especially that of Black Lightning himself, are pretty terrible, in my opinion.

I know at one point in the current season of Flash, someone points out that, even though everyone calls the Arrowverse Earth Earth-One, EVERY Earth that knows about the multiverse thinks of itself as Earth-One. I guess there’s just a policy to smile politely and nod when someone from another world shows up and calls

I thought that wasn’t out on Switch yet. I was certainly planning on getting it.

I like Kate Beaton’s take on her costume:

I love sci-fi horror. Sign me up.