I think she should die for this and that Susan Smith should have been executed for her crimes as well. I think capital punishment should be used sparingly but murdering your own children and then trying to get away with it by using racist stereotypes fits the bill for me. Smith's gender and race saved her life and I…
I think she played it off somehow.
This is so sad. Hana was one of my favorite people on Terrace House. She was very sensitive and sometimes couldn’t hide how she was feeling. You could see it clearly on her face. Protecting yourself is something you learn with age and she was just so young. She had a contagious smile and a great spirit. She’s gone…
“Stardom Wrestling asked fans to ‘[p]lease be respectful and allow some time for things to process’”
“But the complicated question of what a country that enjoys access to safe and legal abortion owes the woman whose story made that possible remains unanswered”
Asking honestly — I’m not understanding the ‘both sides’ing on this. How did the left exploit her? Did they do anything ‘wrong’ other than bring her into the case? Supreme Court cases, especially on big issues, very often have defendants who are hand picked because they have a really clear and sympathetic case.…
Given that she took a bribe to fuck over women all over the country, my sympathy is very low.
Meh. Fuck this dead lady. This shit wasn’t funny in the least to me.
She could’ve fucking apologized instead of waxing poetic about her acting skills.
There’s definitely something to what you say. Unfortunately it doesn’t absolve her from being absolutely scummy.
Yep; it was a meeting of the minds to create a perfect storm of terrible.
So she should be even more sympathetic to other women in her situation, not sell them out.
Came here to say - this actually makes her sound worse. “I got mine and I’m healthy, so fuck you. I’d rather have money than you have the same.”
It’s not like she regretted it (very few women do), she was willing to sell out at the expense of millions of other women.
Fuck her.
I’d laugh about it if everyone was able to get abortions these days, but they can’t.
‘This is my deathbed confession,’ she chuckles, sitting in a chair in her nursing home room...
Norma had an extremely messed up life way back to her childhood. This does not surprise me. Just another case of evangelicals being just as shitty as I imagine them to be.
So she sounds like a fairly terrible person who would sell out anyone or anything for the right price.
It is against the law to detain people like that. But the odds of an arrest even when we have video of the act and the name of the person committing the crime is, what, 5%?
What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.