Five Six Seven

The judges would also have accepted "Stay out of my territory."

(Though to be fair, I can't think of another reason for them to.)

I thought Ward became a legitimately enjoyable character after he turned, but this season it seems to me like he's just a smug bad-thing-doer.

I would happily watch 10-13 episodes a year of Better Call Karl.

Kenobi is the protagonist of a story about someone else, which is a higher difficulty level than Lucas seems to have recognized.

I like the fact that it's pretty much impossible to write a defense of the prequels without taking some time to address the Plinkett reviews. "Obligatory" was the right word.


I'm certain the clunky era references are a deliberate choice, though, since they've been doing it since the start of the season.

It's still there, off to the right.

Season three will retroactively establish that Molly is in fact a Force ghost.

The bridge of Doe Deer is a great ringtone.


You said it.

Pretty sure "War Elk, Key Sulk" is book four of Elfquest.

The AV Club

Bad Habits & Infections or GTFO

Understand, Sam, that we understand how hard it is for you to understand, Sam.

Not if it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

And Disney to Mammon.

I'm writing in Killface/Taqu'il, so Mike's in either way.