I made the acquaintance of a lot of nice guys who were UMASS students while at Smith. There was certainly more variety of people there than at Amherst or Hampshire!
I made the acquaintance of a lot of nice guys who were UMASS students while at Smith. There was certainly more variety of people there than at Amherst or Hampshire!
Thank you for recommending that site! I'm definitely going to use it to help my future shopping!
You should listen to the episode of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" she was on. She was hilarious, and gave a recipe for a Spam sandwich.
I've tried several times since I was 13 to become vegetarian but never could due to Crohn's disease. My body can't absorb protein well and while I love legumes I cannot subsist on them alone. My doc just told me 2 days ago at my last appointment to eat more meat and eggs. It's an issue I've wrestled with for years…
We have plenty of the bro-type in Boston, but we have a good representation of other types of guys as well. We have a high concentration of nerds which is really nice.
I was on the pill for several years before I ever became sexually active for an autoimmune disease that would flare every time I had my period . I'm still dependent on hormonal birth control, but had to switch to the implant instead of the pill because my intestines aren't working well enough to absorb the medication…
Lena hasn't been to a gay wedding yet? I'm straight and yet I attend one at least every year! But yes, they were lovely and I cried at both.
I agree. Every time a coworker brings her kid to the office it is because the kid is sick. And we're expected to coo over them, or better yet, please hold him and btw- he's here because he got kicked out of daycare because he has a stomach bug and puked. (Thanks, that "bug" could put me in the hospital.) When I…
Dogs can get IBD. I have Crohn's and my co-worker's dog was diagnosed with doggie IBS. We always joke that Daisy and I have the same condition, and I always say I should be on the chickpea and sweet potato diet she's on.
Is that a colostomy bag? (Hey- I have Crohn's, I can make that joke.)
My MO is to not sit until everyone else is sitting on the train and there are available seats. I do get really annoyed when I see teens and college kids not offering their seat up to older people. I'm actually quite shocked they think it's OK.
LOL- I don't imply any mob connections, but in dealing with any older Italian-American through work, I always make it a point to play up the "paysan" factor. A discussion of where your families are from and whether you've visited the area works as a great icebreaker here in Rhode Island.
That was exactly the point the presenter was making. Funny how today I'm arguing with people about the negative impact The Sopranos had on perceptions of Italian-Americans. People are actually claiming that Italians they know are all like that. Cultural stereotypes are harmful to us all.
Maybe I am a prude, but when did exhibitionism become empowerment? I can understand it's empowering to build up one's confidence to wear a cute bathing suit to the beach, but naked group photos?
Such a good movie. We just had a cultural competence seminar from a local agency serving Native Americans. The presenter quoted this scene!
Argh- that is so tragic! :-(
There is only one guy I know of running around in a pink tutu, and he's doing it to raise awareness of breast cancer (which his wife has). Check it out, pure wonderfulness: http://www.thetutuproject.com/about/
Actually, that is what the law does. It doesn't fine for bullying offenses, it fines for when parents don't respond to the school calling them in for a parent-teacher conference. The school needs the parents to come in and sign papers if Jr. is going to see the school psychologist.
I was able to learn to make a simple skirt in one afternoon. I repeated the pattern and made several more. This and a nice T-shirt was my uniform all last summer. Since I'm 44'8" and curvy, being able to make something tailored to my proportions really made a difference! Find a sewing class in your city and good…
Cute idea, smart kid. Reminds me of the start of the big chocolate companies in the U.S. (like Hersheys). They were actually started by Quakers who thought that if they could get people to switch to chocolate over alcohol the world would be a better place. They've left a better legacy that the abolitionist- don't…