
Not sure if it's the raging PMS but that preview made me cry.

whether you're compatible with this sexy man who favors plaid button-downs and PBR

Social networks are OK if you want to know whether or not your date is a liar or a douche, but only Google will tell you if he's a sex offender.

I eat like this on a freelance writer's budget, but then in the UK fruit and vegetables are subsidized. Seriously, you have no idea how happy this makes me. I mean, I can't afford organic, I still shop at Tesco's, but my husband and I can eat healthily and spend about seventy quid a week to do it. If we didn't live

I was ready to side-eye him, but it's clear from the video that he's reading someone else's copy, and it almost comes off as him laughing at the ridiculous shit they wrote up for him to say.

At this point, my reaction to Coulter is strictly pavlovian.

Shhh, don't tell Anne that most of the fucking world understands the metric system.

I appreciate your attempt to translate CoulterSpeak, Madeleine, but her words are such drivel that after reading the first two quotes my mind interpreted everything she said as "blah, blah, I'm so stupid, blah" and I was unable to continue.


Human equivalent of getting very competitive during a casual game of pool volleyball Adam Levine has...

""He made me call my 93 year old grandma to thank her for my baby blue eyes!" That seriously sounds like something The Onion's Joe Biden would do right before offering her some pot or a ride in his firebird.


(1) She has Murdoch in her corner, willing to pay for her to go free and (2) she has dirt, real dirt, that she could use against The Establishment. If she went to jail, she'd have nothing to lose by letting loose in a memoir. Her staying free and viable to work and keep her position in her social circles is key to

This is an age of moral panic, with pedophilia and sex trafficking the focus of outsized fear and hyper vigilance. Maybe just a coincidence, but Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has been pretty instrumental in these efforts with her now disgraced protege Somaly Mam.

I think I'm developing a sympathetic headache from reading this. I hope you've since moved on to employment by a less batshit employer.

Actually, this IS an issue. What did instagram do with those pics? Were they actually deleted? Or did they sell them to a data analytics firm?

This doesn't surprise me at all. I was nearly fired from the shitty mall portrait studio I worked at in college because a parent asked for a diaper-only washbasin portrait of her toddler. I obliged, and the picture came out super cute. Imagine my surprise when the photos (that the mother paid for) were shredded at the

Of the thousands of heinous uses that have been invented for the Internet, one stands above all else: