
Black people use it because we came up with it and white people have overused it as per fucking usual.

This is so deliciously good.

It is a constant source of amusement and disappointment that the things that make the world more accessible to others are frequently derided. Many people who are dyslexic like Comic Sans, likely because it looks similar to written letters and makes it easier for them to recognize.


I realize this is the most insignificant thing to take from this story, but I’m so exhausted from white people saying blatantly racists things and then turning aroung to say they are not a racist. I don’t even get mad anymore when I hear that line of reasoning. I just groan loudly and look at the sky for some sort of

Cho’s view doesn’t make Swinton sound malicious at all. I’d say that’s some white fragility afoot. Chi portrayed Swinton as a hapless white person trying to make themselves feel better about some whitewashing she participated in. The emails don’t contradict that. Swinton just goes on and on about how the whitewashing

The movie itself was trite, and actually pretty racist though? Like, I agree that America doesn’t like discussing race, but there’s no reason a racist person wouldn’t love Crash. My oblivious older relatives thought it was great, because it had scenarios like this: A white cop sexually assaults a black woman, but his

I’d draw a distinction between what Scott did in Alien (scared the crap out of his actors with unexpected gross special effects) and what Kubrick did to Duvall and Bertolucci here. The first example might be a little mean but is ultimately pretty harmless. The latter two were psychological, emotional, and physical

I didn’t want Maria to act her humiliation, her rage. I wanted Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and humiliation.

Even Photoshop is only so powerful.

That’s actually more of a wattle.

I feel bad for whoever has to do his presidential portrait.

Hitler literally wrote a book outlining what he planned to do once he got into power and a lot of people just didn’t take him seriously, so the lesson from that is to take politicians who say horrible things at their word and not dismiss seemingly outrageous calls to deport an entire religion or commit war crimes

He essentially did that during the primaries. What an orange, Teflon-covered piece of arsenic taffy.

All Shoulders Matter.

Today in Jezebel: mocking Black culture by using white people as examples of it!

Having a gripe with the federal government owning land is a legitimate complaint. Just ask the Native Americans.