
That rat-bucket thing…. Didn't that happen in one of Goodkind's Sword of Truth books at some point?

@avclub-3c2ddf2682d61814f0b7a96ca8b9e84f:disqus uh, sorry I guess?

He once held an opponent's wife's hand in a jar of acid at a party.

hmm, it looks like you're not the only idiot here… am i going to feel bad about myself when it turns out to mean something obvious?


I think that the spirituality thing is on the right track.  My personal theory is that the specific bending discipline is determined genetically (so Earth Kingdom parents = potential for earthbending, etc) while the ability to bend is based on personality/spirituality/etc.

Do you mean apart from the reference in the first episode? Because that one suggested heavily (to me, anyways) that the Zuko's Mom plot was just going to be left behind.

@avclub-7cf8d5b2bafa3bd7fb4ea254febf6308:disqus  I think you need to use an HTML line break, which is < br/> (without that space before the b). Just paste that code at the beginning of each line you want to skip.
< br/>
< br/>
< br/>
< br/>
Like this (but again, without the spaces)

That's what I am thinking now, that they'll either stop at that village on the way to Harrenhall or roll all of those scenes together.

I was just looking through the book again, and I think that I gave that section more weight in my memory than it deserved. They only dick around in the woods for one chapter, and it ends with their capture.


a man would be OK with that.

he is the Lord of the Seven Parties.

milk was a bad choice.

Wow… They left a lot out of the whole Arya runs around the Riverlands thing… I really hope they do it well.

This is a video.

with the joke being (i think) that stan was doing it intentionally to distract from the bad press that the anti-bullying movie earned the school

I already knew that you were a technical writer!

that is later - at the dinner she grabs him under the table and he freaks out about it

—redacted for idiocy!—