That is (largely thanks to Jay Leno) how late night talk shows ended up. But find yourself some old episodes of The Dick Cavett Show or Carson’s Tonight Show, and you’ll see even the conversations with guests are way better.
That is (largely thanks to Jay Leno) how late night talk shows ended up. But find yourself some old episodes of The Dick Cavett Show or Carson’s Tonight Show, and you’ll see even the conversations with guests are way better.
I know it’s trendy and fashionable to hate on the American healthcare system, but it’s worth noting that in literally every other country in the world, he’d already be dead. And what’s an exclusive, experimental treatment for the rich today could be inexpensive and universally available tomorrow.
Sure. You could point out that, as a millionaire sports celebrity, he’s now qualitatively different from the kind of people that get shot by police, more likely to get the O.J. Simpson treatment than the Michael Brown, so he’s disingenuously drawing attention to himself or associating himself with a movement he’s not…
Of course it was a hoax. Having National Cuban Sandwich Day implies that every day isn’t Cuban Sandwich Day, which is absurd.
Are we going to see a Spanish-language spinoff of DS or any ex-Gawker properties? You already use Spanish language clips for some sports, and three of what I would hazard are your top four sports by coverage volume are big in Mexico, so it seems like there’d be a lot of room for synergy.
The last one is at least an accurate translation of the French, no one can fault you for that.
This raises an important question - how easy would it be crash a recruiting event like that and pretend you’re a highly valued high school star? I can imagine it wouldn’t be too hard, since most images associated with you would be in full game day getup, so you’d just have to know the names of some recruits and guess…
How much of this is for him and how much is getting kicked back to a doctor supplying his athletes with steroids?
1. Why are tabloids and clickbait articles so obsessed with the word “Mom”? Is it supposed to sound cool and on trend? Because it sounds like struggling with English to me.
If they made the robbery story up, they probably told it first to USOC officials to get out of trouble (I don’t know if there are rules or guidelines about when they have to be back) or to justify borrowing petty cash or something, if they blew all their money on drugs or prostitutes.
Imagine what choice words Chase Utley must have for Deadspin’s Philadelphia contingent.
He doesn’t have to sign a lot of things. The more you sign, the more illegible your signature gets.
Maybe the PA is reading this all wrong. A sworn affidavit can be the basis for criminal prosecution, so perhaps the point of the interviews is just to pretend there’s been a due-diligence investigation and let everyone off the hook based on “evidence” that’s kept behind closed doors.
For the confused: this is not the same Thiago da Silva what plays soccer.
Here’s a hot take for you: the beverage shower is one of the dumbest traditions in sports.
CR has also evolved considerably as a player - he’s a much less selfish player now than he was at the stage when people first starting comparing him to Messi.
I am rooting for Man U to lose every match 6-5 this year.
And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead ...