It’s an interesting question. The rules are extremely broad and vague, so you could consider taking Aleve or using an asthma inhaler to be “borderline illegal shit”, since many things are banned at or above certain levels, but not below. Not to mention that high altitude or low-oxygen training is legal even though…
I thought ‘Cilla there pretty much nailed it. Generating controversy to get attention is pretty much the textbook definition of trolling, even if those clicks get you paid.
Is there an algorithm or program you can use to tell how shitty a writer is, irrespective of grade level? That would be an interesting comparison.
“Then the law, sir, is a ass.”
Don’t listen to classical music, either - modern performance appropriates the artistic expressions of PoC - People of the (18th) Century.
Because they want to feel special about clinging to outmoded technology.
Holy shit, that update!
“$400 million? That’s all the Democrats can pay? For American lives I woulda paid more than that, double, triple. $400 million per person. When it comes to ransoms, nobody’s bigger than me. Nobody pays more. Nobody.”
And yeah, it’s a dumb thing to say. I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something.
Tarmac em/debarking is common throughout Europe, because all of their airports are terrible and it saves money not having to build things.
All I can think of caulliflower.
I’m not a lawyer specializing in NCAA regulations, but is “Everyone was doing, not just athletes” really a valid defense of breaking academic eligibility rules? If it is, that’s a stupidly obvious loophole, but if not I think I actually side with the NCAA on this one.
That’s kind of awesome. Zoos generally get criticized for not having enough space for animals to roam around, but if you could combine it with a golf course, you’d get more space and more revenue. Plus, you know, golf that might actually be worth watching.
That was more the equivalent of an unpaid internship gained through his father’s connections than a job he had to live off of, though.
Garfield is a training-wheels comic. It acclimates kids to the formalism of jokes without having to “get” anything. Of course you think it’s awful as an adult or even a teenager, that’s because your tastes have already developed past it, just like you stopped listening to Raffi at some point.
Pogo vies with Calvin for the #1 spot. I think Calvin wins on art but it’s not an open-and-shut case.
Learn to play Five-Card Nancy.
Who signed off on that backdrop? It’s - what’s the word? Oh, right - terrible.
Obviously referring to Haskell Curry, U.S. mathematician and pioneer in the field of combinatoric logic.