
You know what's worse than dying in a game?


Eh... I don't get why people bitch about the whole 30fps, I mean it's not that bad, but if you're one of those "people" then you can wait for the ps4 version or something.

Computer Mastermind: Choose, puny human. Choose a topic and I will argue both sides, rendering pathetic mammals like you obsolete once and for all! Human: I can choose any topic, and you'll argue both sides? Computer Mastermind: Do your worst. You cannot comprehend the vastness of my intellect. Human: Very well, I

Jesus Christ, Konami and Nintendo, just release a LovePlus game in the west. Just once. There isn't absolutely anything like it in our market. Why is it that we can't have nice things?

Actually it's the first episode of the second season wherein the main character kills the, up to that point, second main character. It's a HUGE spoiler and easily one of the most shocking things in the entire series.

You know, if "fishy smelling house" were an actual criteria for drug busts, my family and half the Vietnamese population would be in custody right now.

That's an interesting set of thoughts. But I think you're exaggerating a little. It's just a hobby! We all have our favorite past times!

The first Pokemon.

Wow. Well-played, commenters.

You suck for wasting valuable seconds of my time reading the tweet that led me here to chew you out for wasting valuable seconds of my time.

I've had a copy since launch, but I told myself I wouldn't play it until someone at Kotaku gave me permission. Thanks guys.

Just get a cat.

For the record, I pushed for Bulma to be #1.

I didn't really feel weird about it until I tried to imagine why you did, and now I feel weird about it. Gee thanks.

This just took a turn into Saints Row territory.

Probably bitten by a radioactive spider.

I don't know what happened at 0:25 but it wasn't human.