Yeah, but can his sister make $77 an hour working part time from home? I don't think so! :)
you know, you probably could've replaced the coolant reservoir for $20. Or even fixed the current one really cheap.
They're both WWD, so I'd rather take the bus ;)
I'm upset that I've not seen any of this porn-spam
"You've bought a George. It's not a Ferrari!"
I haven't been anally raped by a car dealer, so I still have that as a positive experience.
Gm hit the mark on the Malibu if they're looking for a car that elicited no excitement at all. It seems to be built for people like my girlfriend - she only cares if the car has a stereo and sunroof.
I bet the guys on the ND forum of are furiously beating off and over-analyzing every single bit of thise photo - speculating to the moon and back.
It should be any new-ish stock car that comes to a car show
That one maybe - the one I saw was in the early 90s and had a tuner name on the back - I know they're looking for factory wide bodies, but the 928 looked good
The town I live in has a mandatory arrest for 20mph+ - I was tagged for 77 in a 35 and "careless and imprudent" on a bike, and arrested. I paid a lawyer $75 and had that shit knocked down to a non-moving violation and had to take driving school - $400 total for it all with the lawyer fees, and I still get a safe…
Hookers and cocaine. Lots of both.
Gen Xer here - doing my part to keep up for the slackers - on cars #21 and 22 :)
It's time we make Frisbee Golf a college sport, so Lacrosse can go back to being the classy sport it used to be
I'd buy a 2009 Hyundai accent, and spend the remaining $60 making it stupid fast and handle well by doing something insane like somehow jamming a LS9 under the hood, and making it RWD similar to this
My goal is to get a 458 one day. I better start planning a bank robbery to do it ;)
Next week on Fast n Loud . . . .