
I like it. How about an "Affordable Stuff We Like" though?

It also breaks expose and occasionally the dock, among other things. I'm looking forward the the bug fix update, because I really like it otherwise.

It's very easy to take apart, though it's actually the keyboard that will lift off. Start here: [www.ifixit.com] and look for the guide to replacing your fan. That should get you where you need to go. You may also want to look for the guide to replacing the heat sink, which will give you access to the CPU so that you

My Macbook has been so bad that for a while now it would overheat after playing about 10 seconds of a youtube video. It just couldn't handle it. I finally pulled out my computer toolkit and took it apart to find HANDFULS of dog hair and dust caked all over, including the fan vent. So I removed that and applied some

Write one and send it in. Perhaps it'll get posted and others might do the same.

Oh, I'm certain someone around lifehacker has the talent for that. I can't wait to see it happen.

mhm. also tweeted to @whitsongordon for your convenience. Enjoy!

I completely agree. I find myself responding more selectively than I'd like to just to avoid featuring a stupid comment.

True, though that may be another idea for a Lifehacker theme of the week.

It's pretty bad when the anti-troll is worse than the initial troll. Please climb down...

Thanks, I got there eventually. Not sure why I commented before clicking the link....

I got the 5GB from yesterday's post; will this give me a second 5GB or am I maxed out?

I'll often slice up an avocado and eat it as a meal. Sprinkle on some coarse salt and fresh lime and it's amazing.

Ahh, that makes sense. Though I also initially read it as if you were saying that normally high calorie foods are perceived as being difficult to prepare.

That really is an interesting way to look at it. Personally, I focus on nutrient density when I think of how healthy a food is. I want a high nutrient to calorie ratio so that most of what I'm eating is worthwhile. Secondarily, I look for the correct balance of carbs, fats, and protein. I'm definitely not one of the

I will promote anything to do with ¡Three Amigos!

Considering how liberally Dropbox let's people earn free space, I doubt they will take it away after the beta.

check the events tab of your account on the dropbox website. sometimes it will update there, but not tell you for a little while.

It accepted .avi and .mp4 just fine for me. I just had to make sure they were in the camera folder on my phone.