
One of the suggestions that he shares in the book is to keep a running list of everything you crave, then eat all of them on your cheat day. I've found that to be extremely effective.

When the person in front of me suddenly stops walking without warning. That one invokes a silent, short-term rage.

Lifehacker Work

Blatant racism. Specifically, when people make racist comments during a conversation with me as if it's something that I agree with. I...go...off. I'm not sure I'm actually the asshole in that situation though.

@Ekstor: Oh I completely agree. I found it happening a lot in group projects in college. I couldn't stand when someone edited my work to include two spaces.

@sweetmonkey: Oh right! I forgot that I knew that. Ok, I just plain forgot it...

Love me some extra Dropbox space. I wish I were one of those people that had a bunch of friends who could use Dropbox and didn't already have it.

I'm loving that the extra space after the period has been removed in all the comments. I think that's actually a pretty common feature around the internet.

I always felt like the double space after a period hit the eye wrong. I was never taught to double space, but a lot of my peers were. I've tried to explain to them why it is unnecessary (basically telling them all the info found above), but it never seems to affect anyone's typing habits.

@Avohkah Tamer: You might like TV Forecast. I've been using the dashboard widget for a couple years now and I don't know what I'd do without it. The iOS app is $2 though.

@paul.pisiewicz: Some cans are lined to avoid a reaction between the food and the aluminum material of the cans, however this layer is very visible (I've only ever seen it as white, personally), so you should be able to which cans are able to be reused. You are right though, plastic lined cans should not be reused.

@avivhk: I recently started doing the same thing, though I just incorporate it into my regular blog. It's a lot of fun and makes it super easy to track what I'm eating. Your link is broken, btw, so here's a new one!

@atomiclard: I'm pretty sure I addressed both of those and explained why it either doesn't work or I don't use it. And, again, I don't personally find this tip useful. I'm essentially playing devils advocate to to the people who insist on commenting on the uselessness of the tip; ironically, such a comment is probably

@John Tyler: I know...I like having the blip noise, though it's annoying to have it at every increment. I was just pointing out one potential use for the tip that people seem to find useless.

Sure we do, but using the keyboard produces an annoying "blip" noise at every small increment (at larger increments we can hold shift to get rid of the noise). Using the slider lets you still move in smaller increments, but only makes one noise to affirm the volume you've chosen. Yes, it's probably a useless tip to

@zakany001: I was also nice to everyone there, of course. I came to know most of them by name and was even invited to a going away party for one of the waitresses. It wasn't too long ago that I waited tables myself, so I tend to leave hefty tips.

Sounds great. Certainly easier than requiring that everyone have an iphone or ipod and all download a specific app to make music suggestions...

The amount of free stuff that I get just by being nice to people is actually a little ridiculous. It really does go a long way. My favorite example is of my favorite restaurant. The service staff recognizes me and they fight over me; all because I leave an enormous tip without making them work their asses off. The

My only disappointment with Zeam is having to see "Amazon MP3" at the top of my app drawer again on my non-rooted Droid 1. I'll take the minimal number of features to continue getting the speed I'd enjoyed for the past couple days while using Zeam, though!

I'm pretty sure my comment was explicit enough this time to show that my judgment of Apple isn't based on this single occurrence. Regarding your earlier RTFA comment – I did, twice, and I'll stick by my original comment, vague as I left it.