Not in NYC you won’t... With that car at your disposal, my question is this: Why are you sitting at a desk in NYC?
Not in NYC you won’t... With that car at your disposal, my question is this: Why are you sitting at a desk in NYC?
Uber uses a Volvo. Google uses a Pete. Point Google.
Fair point. But this is a drivetrain that will likely end up migrating into something beige with a BMW badge. BMW fans, as a generalization, have never demanded or wanted a 300 HP front wheel drive. We would, however, like an elemental rear-wheel drive car that has not bloated (like the 3 Series), has steering that…
You do realize that this is not a hot hatch, right?
Was the DOJ well administered under Eric Holder?
This freshman free write would be better at 1/4 the length. Someone please send Jalopnik an editor.
Compensating for impotency appears to consume all JB’s effort.
Good counter. Would it be more accurate to describe is as a “better” foothold?
Except that he has gained a geopolitical foothold that would have been unavailable to him had the US not left a vacuum in the region.
Diesels’ torque and efficiency argument gets shot to hell compared to
No one is talking about changing tire diameters.
I did the same calculation as you did. I also noticed that the same models on European streets had few aspect ratios below 40. Whether that is because of cobblestones, common sense, or both- I don’t know.
Thanks for the reply. I stand by my totally uninformed hunch that no one will use this thing off-road. But if someone wants “faux-off-road” trim on their mall cruiser, it is really none of my business.
Way to go after the questions that matter. This thing is defiantly a great off-road platform and loads of buyers will totally use them off-road.
This is interesting. I think it would be even more valuable if it were done in the context of aspect ratio rather than rim diameter. No doubt someone will think that it is the rim size that dictates the parameters tested. It is not. The rim size is merely correlative of aspect ratio. Therefore, a 19" rim in one…
Nope, J.T. is correct. Rape seed has been rebadged as “Canola” for, well, obvious reasons.
And they could not afford a cab that was not designed in Belarus?
2016 SS.
There is a difference between paying a sum of money and foregoing the receipt of a sum of money.