
I think the composition of the board will answer your question. M.W. appears to have been picked to take the fall for the ignition debacle (wittingly or not- but judging by her consistently dumbfounded expression, I'm guessing not). Two board member jumped just before the ignition switch issue broke. Were they old

Errr… BMW has 94 kw system along I-85. And your state has 4.6 MW (that's "Mega- with an "M") of solar facilities installed. So, apparently they survive in SC just fine.

Oh, right… Good point- as long as your self-sensor, you are not a racist…

Thus the distinction between ignorant racists and hateful racists who would do harm. You'll need to learn how to read before you will be able to mount a substantive written argument. -Michael

You hit a point that I was debating with friends last night. We debated the difference between ignorant racists (Cliven Bundy & Jermey Clarkson) versus hateful your-race-is-inferior-to-mine racists (KKK). The former will not drag you by a log chain behind their 1980s IFS F-150s with the 302. The latter WILL inflict

I see where you are going. The issue is not the collection of letters- or, in this instance, a letter. The issue is that when multiple events begin to form a pattern- the pattering in this instance, a popular old white guy who appears to view others through a racial lens. Presumably, you do not segregate your friends

JT- Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling are on the phone. They think you are awesome and they would like you to explain to the world how they too may have said something racist but are not really racists.

News flash. Yes, it does. Being old is not a free pass for racist behavior.

Oh Bullshit JT. The defense is "well, I didn't want to sound like a racist even though I was saying something racist." In other words, your man's defense is that he wanted to use the slur but didn't want it to seem like he was using the slur.

The reason this has traction is because the use of the language cited above fits the character. It is believable because we could all see this guy saying something like this. The individual utters homophobic, sexist and racist comments on a pretty regular basis in almost every episode. For years, the worst insult on

TG admits to using the term to refer to a person and then suggests that only Australians and US citizens would recognize the term as a slight?

I think the idea of a used 4Motion manual TDI wagon in the $7-$14k range is a lot more attractive to most diesel wagon fans than a new $35k+ VW. At the new price point, I suspect many diesel wagon fans would rather purchase a 2 year old 320d X Drive (yes, "328d" because> USA) and just live with the ZF- 8 sp. box.

Errrr…. You realize that it is a Isuzu motor, right? True, assembled in the US - but Isuzu technology. -Michael

I clearly stated in my first post why I brought up the question of Toyota ½ ton ATPs relative to FoMoCo, New GM and Fiat. Underlying that curiosity is the assumption that Toyota is not trading ATPs for market share. -Michael

Arrrrgh. Where to begin with this fool. Let us start with paralegal skit. He prattles on about a Tesla "confidentiality agreement" executed by the purchaser at the time of sale. But then he suggests that his "paralegal" can not talk about Tesla? Was she the purchaser? I'm guessing that at $90k, No. Is she then in

Check out the snow removal equipment in the background at minute 3:50. I've never seen anything like that equipment before. -Michael

Yeah. I read it. So you tell me, are GM incentives on ½ ton trucks lower than Toyota incentives on ½ trucks? My hunch is- No. -Michael

Lame Headline.

So, GM is now arguing that while their trucks cost more (higher ATP) they cost less to run. Correct? I'm guessing that GM is overly sensitive to this matter because they can not move product (at volume) without incentives.

Translation: You should be happy Optronics builds this shit in China.