
So I guess they were supposed to disassemble the cake or throw a blanket over it? Holy first world problems.

For every stupid idea, there's some moron that will buy it. I was just thinking the other day that I really need a vacuum that will blow all the dust on my floor around.

I hope you and your neighbor's mom die in a fire.

There is no way in hell this is going to hold up. There's a reason people don't glue paper to the floor. I commend her for her creativity but I think she's going to regret this in a short time as it wears.

I think Home Depot ran a special on those lips last week in plumbing.

I'm with you, I prefer 'bogus fuck'. I like to save my actual fucks are for very important issues.

Do you want a felony? because that's how you get a felony.

He's just dirty from the trip.

This is another solution looking for a problem. Cool product but if you really need a portable printer, there are already some good ones available.

Same for me - not a big fan of MMO's, just want to be able to group with 1-3 others and have some fun without tons of other people running around. If Skyrim did that, I'd still be playing it.

Sorry you're getting crap for speaking the truth. Some people just make terrible decisions.

She always has that snack cake business to fall back on.

$ 6.97 in my area (Rochester, NY) but that's a steal - going out to buy a 10 pack later :)

The fact that she's related to Kirk 'Banana man' Cameron just forces my mind to mute anything coming out of her mouth.

I'm with Tim, there are many other ways to accomplish the same thing w/o opening up the meter.

You could get this made on Shapeways but the problem is you would need a really good scan.

Some of the most fun I ever had playing a game. I remember wandering into work the next morning feeling like total crap for many months due to late night questing :)

A quick start-up is hardly the sole territory of a Mac. Just about any machine running an SSD is going to start-up quickly.

Let's just say I'm hoping Social Security is still there. It's a long shot but it's all I have.

Let's see.. not enough money in my 401? Check.