They should have informed me that every word I said could be disclosed to the defence should there be a charge.
They should have informed me that every word I said could be disclosed to the defence should there be a charge.
That a lawyer would try to shift blame to innocent people and away from his client?
I think it’s safe to say that they treat their warehouse employees terribly.
Stop. People are trying to feel oppressed.
If teachers are society’s true heroes,
I wish they felt supported enough to be completely forthcoming
Maybe the judge in that case will deem her “a good enough victim”.
Or the three accusers for lying.
how many conversations about victim blaming are occurring today that wouldn’t have otherwise taken place
You’re not well.
Women can be trusted about as often as men.
Since it was shown that they were conspiring to get him, the “three different women” angle is bullshit.
You must be a Sanders voter.
That’s how a reasonable person handles facts that don’t conform to his world view.
Anna Merlan, for instance.
Obviously the judge is correct. The evidence clearly shows the defendant didn’t assault these women; it’s only your bias that leads you to feel “gutted.”
Fantastic news!
I am cisgender
requiring that individuals use the restroom of the biological sex on their birth certificate
I don’t know what Columbia expected after the way they enabled Mattress Back Sulkowicz’s delusional behavior for a year. I feel bad for this guy because these bullshit claims never really go away, but hopefully Columbia is learning some things about the dangers of tolerating duplicitous skanks.