Just like the lobbies of Trumps hotels!
Just like the lobbies of Trumps hotels!
It’s re-taxing income that has already had tax paid on it.
Also, sport bike throttles are usually harder to modulate with all that power on tap.
Ralph Lauren also has one of the most beautiful car collections in existence. The man has exquisite taste.
I dunno... Counting to five is pretty fundamental. As is verifying a statement you’re about to make to ensure you don’t look like an idiot.
Okay, so, Swem is a creep... But he’s not employed by the university? What is the university supposed to do if an independent person related to a student’s field of study is harassing her? I’m confused by the lawsuit, and the her expectation of protection by her academic advisors. What is the advisor supposed to do?…
First, I counted five. So, I stand by my original statement.
Definitive proof that Democrats are as dumb as Republicans.
He’s the pope, not god. Lets just assume that his knowledge of American politics and this case is limited. He has more important shit to worry about.
I mean, I understand the thought of Conscientious objection being a right... But this isn’t a conscripted duty. She could just quit in order to avoid a conflict between her duty as a civil servant and her religion.
I used to be pro death penalty, but I have come to oppose it... only slightly on moral grounds. It’s wrong to take a life, but at the same time it is not barbaric or cruel to end a life. It’s no more of a “wrong” than imprisoning people.
Maybe not in congress.
Signal Vault is a little card with a chip that you put near your credit cards, which’ll keep them, supposedly, from being hacked
It was written by the hand of the lord of grammar, praise be unto them. The fact that it is self contradictory makes it no worse than any other religion.
But he also says that if she came to him in need he’d help her.
Like Shiite Grammarians who point out when people use the wrong “their”.
“If the total lunar eclipse of the Sukkot Super Blood Moon is a type of the Rapture, then having the Church out of the way would allow the AntiChrist to formulate the New Order and currency, the Mark out of this designed chaos.”
In traditional and Orthodox temples, the men and women are not allowed to sit together.
Is this really an MRA thing? And MRA in this case doesn’t stand for “Mormon Republican Army”?
Because I’m pointing out that this kid is taking credit for being novel and inventive when he did nothing of the sort?