1) Oh my god that is spot on.
1) Oh my god that is spot on.
Actually, they’re not paying for any elective birth control to their male employees either.
“Full healthcare” is a misnomer in this case. Healthcare law mandates that regardless of religious exceptions, birth control for non-elective reasons has to be covered. The scope of this debate is elective birth control.
That would be fair enough, although it seems to violate the spirit of what the ACA was trying to do. (I honestly think the ACA could have been formatted so much better, and in ways that empowered employees and covered individuals better. Like maybe making the exchanges mandatory and making the insured pick their own…
So, they’re paying the insurance companies for a service, and the insurance companies are paying for it. That’s a fairly fine hair you’re splitting.
They’re not forcing them to do anything. They’re just asking to not pay for it. Additionally, that wouldn’t be religious discrimination anyway. Do you know what discrimination is?
Discrimination is treating one group differently than another based on some attribute about those people. They are not trying to…
I disagree with that.
There is a difference between giving someone something that you’ve paid for, directly or indirectly, and paying them a wage and letting them buy it on their own.
Universal insurance may, ultimately, be the answer. I’m not going to argue that point. Or, at the very least, there should be…
No, they’re just not willing to have any part of paying for it.
Do you not understand the difference between “Not letting someone have something” and “not giving someone something”? That would be like saying since I’m not willing to give you a cookie for free, I’m preventing you from having a cookie.
Except that the Nuns are still paying for it because that third party happens to be the same group they pay for health insurance in general. Also, if you had read the article you would know that they were denied a religious exemption as “not religious enough”.
Most hormonal birth controls are way outside of their…
You completely missed the point.
Doesn’t that technically make her a booster?
Sort of a “you have to separate the art from the artist” type deal. The Marvin Gaye argument was pretty valid. (Answer: yes, I will still listen to Marvin Gaye.) There have been some terrible people that have made some great art... But “context is everything”. We shouldn’t venerate someone for being a great artist…
Can we not just find a compromise to make it cheap and readily available without forcing fucking nuns to pay for it?
Refusing to pay for something that you morally disagree with isn’t discrimination.
If they provided condoms to male employees, but not birth control to female employees, THAT would be discrimination. This group is against birth control regardless of sex. They’re nuns, for Christ’s sake. (Pun intended.) Unless you’re…
Actually, the lawsuit is because this group isn’t classified as a religious organization and cannot opt out. Did you read the article or just skip right to making a group of nuns running a non-profit to help the elderly into the bad guy.
The Mach 5. Duh.
Aging baby boomers, those Americans born between 1946 and 1964, account for approximately half of the drop in the labor force participation rate since 2007, according to a report released Thursday from the White House Council of Economic Advisers. The remaining decline stems from “cyclical factors” fairly typical of…
It’s questions like this that make me against the death penalty.
It’s not cruel or unusual, but if you’re wrong... There’s certainly no backsies.
W123 300D
Did someone say “Giant robot fight”?
His shirt says “Nin hao peng you”, which is a formal (and respectful) way of saying “hello friend” in Mandarin.