
I’m aware that voting machines weren’t widely used until after 2000 you’re missing the point. Exit polling matched results until then. When the exit polls don’t match it’s a sign that something is wrong and needs to be looked into. But instead of doing that this country has decided that the exit polls were the problem

Considering that her father is the opportunistic, cynical liar who represents the opposite of how you describe your father (though maybe Mike Huckabee can barbecue a decent rack of ribs), where would she have learned honesty and decency?

You should always consider money you put in a Kickstarter gone. You might get your rewards back out, but you might not. Too many people view this as a way to pre-order a game they want, then get upset when it falls through. It was never an investment vehicle.

My husband and I are both EMTs, and the absolute most frustrating and heartbreaking part of the job is seeing our fellow EMTs and medics treat patients like shit. EMTs and medics are chronically underpaid and overworked in this country (and the UK, as I understand it), so I understand fatigue and I understand being

Red shift is not an accident. Exit polls have run true to the election until 2000. It’s not an accident that with the use of these electronic voting machines, the source code of which is secret and privately owned, that we suddenly have elections where Republicans suddenly win when they were losing in the exit polls.

And brag about it. “The election is rigged”. He kept saying it.

And let’s remember, 45, tweeted for all the world to see, him asking Russia to hack. I mean, they were prob hacking already but, dam.

Some of the most powerful men in the world just got tricked into corresponding with a troll because they didn’t verify a fucking email address. Our computer security is a joke thanks to incompetent politicians and demanding back doors into everything.

Did Scaramucci say he intends to spend more time with his family?

Kellyanne: “I can’t believe Spicer only lasted 53 days as Communications Director. That’s a record that will never be broken”

This may seem funny, but people are genuinely worried about all this chaos in the White House. We’re on the brink of so many precipices, but the worst is probably if some hostile foreign country attacks us and releases the Trump piss tapes synched to an R. Kelley soundtrack.

People’s article quotes a dietician/nutritionist who previously stated, “The best types of detoxes...

It’s almost like looking good in a cocktail dress and channeling righteous indignation are not all it takes to have a handle on the issues.

Jesus Christ. My ex missed the birth of our daughter because he was stuck in an airport in Ireland, en route from Afghanistan. That is a perfectly honorable and respectful reason to miss the birth of your child. Being absent due to service to the objectively worse US president, in terms of competency and pretty much

As much as people hate PETA, these places that let you take pictures with tigers are INCREDIBLY horrible. Many claim to be rescued, but breed their animals to use them for revenue. It’s really really sad and gross and disrespectful to these animals.

Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”

He’s out Trumping Trump. DJT won’t keep him. He’ll be gone by Halloween, citing “family commitments”.

I encourage Trump to soon as soon as possible fire AG Sessions, who many members of congress admire, fire the Special Prosecutor Mueller who most of congress respects, and also fire Priebus who is a personal friend of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. I’m sure with Republican starting to awaken to just how valuable his

Scaramucci is like the caricature of a ganster.

If only there was some way to introduce carbon monoxide to the feedback loop that informs the most brainlessly hopeless one-third of the country.