
And so, the entire Clone Wars staff was put to great shame.

I need some wallpaper sized pics of these.

Can they fight with swords instead of sticks and latin?

@sephycloneno15: I'm putting a crew together as we speak. Want in? No one will be suspecting us according to this article...

Is it wrong that I want to dress in leather and wave a sawed off shotgun from a car while doing donuts and screaming "Last of the V8s!" next to that derelict ship?

Oh God, Shepard was right all along! It's the Reapers!

Does this mean Justin Bieber could stay young forever. If only we could all be so lucky, right guys?

Damn lazy Neptune. Hurry up, would ya?

This is the first clue in the quest for Atlantis. Get Nic Cage on the line, there is treasure to be had!

@Rhino Cremeans: I'm sorry, but an "Oops, we'll be careful next time" doesn't really cut it when people's safety is at stake. If the military bombed a mosque due to bad intel and got people killed it is tragic but it isn't a mistake to these people, it's the military being monsters. However, if WikiLeaks leak this

Why can't WikiLeaks just spill the beans on awesome shit like the Aurora fighter instead of stuff that could get people killed? Oh nerdy Mac kid from Live Free or Die Hard, where are you when America needs you?

@mykalt45: Of Pilgrim? Most definitely.

@Fanboy: It is for that same reason that I personally find Superman so boring.

My role model as a kid was Indiana Jones. Today I melt Nazi faces. Put that in your study Professor!

Really? Savage Oppress? Clone Wars is awful. Hell, Star Wars is awful these days. The fact that Celebration took place in Orlando this weekend and I completely forgot (I live about an hour away) is testament to how little SW means to me these days. Sad considering how much time and money that franchise has sucked out

Just dress a nuclear warhead as a person. BAM! Damn aliens will think twice next time.

I really hope the prequel is about Issac Clarke and we get to follow him through engineering school and his strained relationship with Nicole. They can include a bit where a mishap on his final day of engineering school leaves him unable to speak and this is too much for Nicole to handle and she leaves him. Maybe then

"but with every new lock or security measure, won't new hackers arise to bypass them?"

See, I loved him as Red Hood in the comics. I wish they would have kept him like that in the comics but no, he had to copy Nightwing, Batman, Robin, and Red Robin, and now he is an awful version of Red Hood. Oh, and how he came back to life in the comics was just stupid. That being said, I loved this movie. Wish there

@zophiel: I was mainly remarking about how Florida is in the crapper.