
It should just be a benefit for low income folks like food stamps or anything else. Your food card can come with a free transit card. (Maybe you can even establish a lesser threshold for free transit cards.) And then the millionaires commuting on BART can continue to pay for their transit cards.

Garbage bag/bin.  Choose what fits your aesthetic sensibilities, but something as simple as a Command hook on which to hang a plastic grocery bag will suffice.

Switching from 18" wheels with rubber-band tires to 16" wheels with nice tall sidewall tires. No more flat tires, more comfortable, quieter. Looks lame, but meh for a daily driver.

Seems like this list could have been a slideshow. Is something wrong?    </fake_concern>

The GS is the closest thing we got to the Toyota Crown in the US (same platform).

Nobody said anything about the cyclist getting a pass.  The other guy being at fault doesn’t give you the right to hit-and-run.

When you hit someone with your car, you fucking stop and at the very least see if they’re ok. Regardless of who’s at fault.

Lifehacker videos are the embodiment of “this meeting should have been an email.”

What’s worse is no apology or anything has been issued by American, with the typical PR statement of “We are concerned by the experience our customer is reporting. A member of our team has reached out to discuss their travel.”

No different than any other summer event. Lollapalooza is coming up...

I had a friend in HS that insisted the bumps on the hoods of Eclipses were for the turbo.

Yes and no. I get one of 2 images in my head. The poodle skirts and the drive-ins, or modern day Cuba

this article is completely useless unless you are on instagram.

I watched it so you don’t have to:

1) Being cold doesn’t make you catch cold, nor does going out with wet hair, but being cold has been linked to weakening you immune system and making you more susceptible to illness

2) There’s not scientific backing for the “Five Second Rule”, but you’re still probably okay if your

And even if they could, these international passengers couldn’t disembark at Newark anyway as the airport is not equipped with customs agents.

If this fee wasn’t instituted by a local or state government, it’s not a tax. It’s just oil companies sneakily hosing everyone but they call it a “fee” so they can say the base price hasn’t changed.

I use my phone to take a video of the car in the rental parking space. If I can find a date I will add that to the video. You should also check the tires. I had a rental with a bent back wheel. The car had obviously been in a scrape. There were taped x’s over a dents.

A Red Stater asking for someone else to pay their bill. Sounds pretty accurate to me!

Am I the only one disappointed by a lack of references to Doug Demuro?