
Every year I go back and forth on whether or not to buy an electric or battery powered snow blower. I mean, if I do get one, I pretty much guarantee it never snows again in my area. But if it does, my biggest concern is will it actually work. The reviews for most of the products are avg. at best.

Every year I go back and forth on whether or not to buy an electric or battery powered snow blower. I mean, if I do

That traffic light the truck blew through turns red and the overheight sign comes on when a vehicle too high is detected. That system was installed last year just for incidents like this, yet people still hit it. I think one of those water curtain stop signs like they have in front of some tunnel entrances in

Jason I think we as car enthusiasts often miss the point of the crossover boom. Average drivers want a comfortable step-in height, a convenient hatch-style rear opening, good ground clearance, and a commanding view of the road. You get none of that in a sedan. What they lose, better handling and performance, really

Never knew who he was until this video so it has certainly helped expose him to more people. He was on national news and I am sure a whole lot of people checked out his videos because of it which has made him and Google a lot of money.

Ehhhh. Does anyone really need to play this THAT badly?

They don’t make then LOOK like they used to. Automobiles used to be rolling works of art. However newer vehicles eclipse the old ones in reliability, durability, performance, handling, safety, convenience and comfort.

Please do buy backup bulbs, or replace them early. Please don’t buy bulbs with blue tint film on the glass.

Please do buy backup bulbs, or replace them early. Please don’t buy bulbs with blue tint film on the glass.

I guess lots of cheese, square cut, and thin crust is the pizza that I don’t remember seeing on menus when I go out of state (well, they have it in Wisconsin too), but I have never heard it called “Minnesota style”. I guess I’ve always thought of it as a “bar style pizza”.

I’m glad you liked it!!! Here it is again:

Thanks for posting again the picture in the article.

I know these cars had colored roof trim, but this one looks terrible against the silver body. It’s close enough to silver that it looks like a production mistake.

Yeah I’m waiting for the whole color TV bubble to burst too.

Beep! Beep! It’s a Dodge Neon! Drive into the rest of your weekend in confidence and style!

Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.

Hey.... for $1000 can they give me headgasket that won’t blow under regular, advertised use?

Or atleast admit that my car is a ticking timebomb of destroyed bearings, head warpage and coolant through the tailpipe?

You forgot the 1957 version.

Definitely not a dubious benefit, greatly enhances the stability and agility of the car. Also not a ton of added complexity.

There are compromises that need to be made to allow the flexibility of suspension that the Jeep offers. The soft springs rates, low lateral stiffness in the suspension, and hilariously bad payload ratings (at least on the JK) dictate a low towing capacity. Frankly, I wouldn’t want to tow more than 3500 lbs with one.

According to IGN, sourced from Empire (magazine I think):

Not a single car, but a whole brand.