

And when sanders bows out, the deadspin headline will be:

Bryant Gumble says “mostly white” then irony slams me to floor.


Needed or strongly need. I object I strenuously object

If she’s going to feign annoyance next time might consider removing the Storm Trooper phone protector from your device.

Another booger-eating Deadspin employee pitches a holiday-party-mishap contest two weeks after San Bernardino.

ISIS was created when Obama abandoned Iraq you ignorant twat

My wife had a small purse at the game she refused to take it back to the car so we were denied entry. Maybe they have a policy you can’t wear big as turbins as well? Just speculating here, not trying to get in the way of Liberal Race Hustling. Carry on

I would vote for ghengis Kahn over Hillary. So in that respect Don is an excellent choice

California, tell us about your Holiday Party mishaps.

If rather hear about a father-son team with nearly 100 years of bourbon making experience. More of that please!

None compare to a dodge hellcat tearing up the city streets

God dammit. I liked serial but no way in hell am I listening to some Lib spin sympathy onto the story of that treasonous subhuman piece of shit.

Dusty better thank the Lord he is black. He would be looking for work if he was white. That right there is some black priveledge

Donald Trump, busted! The face of Muslim sports Heros calling you out! 70 year old kareem and Ali, how TIMELY!

Better Safe than Sorry! No harm no foul! 😀

I clicked on this thinking, Damn, Amendola must be ruled out - better fix my fantasy lineup.

Ladies & Gents I'd like to introduce you to an economic illiterate. Step right up!

Yeah then crash it into a toddler, blinding him permanently. What we need is more drones.

Yeah then crash it into a toddler, blinding him permanently. What we need is more drones.