
It is remarkable that anyone thinks the regional EPA director is as responsible for this calamity as the person who:

Wow. Even on this water disaster, there STILL is someone who rolls out the ‘Both Sides Do It’ trope. I didn’t see that one coming!

One of those kids has a strong future in La Liga.

You are (purposely?) missing the point.

I get what you are saying and I’m saying it’s a cop-out.

Yes to that. However, It’s also that few movies about “real world now” England” are able to have international success...

Excellent smack talk by Wilder.

I don’t know who this “they” are exactly. Even if an actor or two said that, I don’t think many believe that after thinking about it for 6 seconds.

It’s not exactly a mystery why “they keep coming back for more” rather than doing plays in Provence. Come on now.

This was such an enjoyable read. The utter dismantling of Chait’s strawmen was complete. I even reread some parts twice.

Those bonds aren’t just held in individual public client accounts. A good chunk are likely owned by mutual funds, pension funds, insurance companies and other investment companies, including banks.

After the commercials, did he at least acknowledge and correct that strange ‘$4 million to all’ statement?

Sick burn broseph! Or maybe “The shrimp store is all out of YOU!” Aah comedy.

This happened because of a big prop bet I had with my buddy Bill Perkins that mandated I lunge everywhere for two days. I cannot explain the pain I felt in my legs. I did what I thought was the best play at the time.

That’s not Phil. You guys are so funny.

That picture shows that when his hand was down, the nose of the ball and the butt of the ball, were across the line.

Unrelated but wasn’t Drake’s left hand touching out-of-bounds on that td return from kickoff? Seemed like it was down before the pylon ever moved.

I expressed it—-everyone was going on and on about Frankie not getting his shot, Frankie never seeing Conor, etc. It was silly, and I asked everyone to stop worrying about it, because it was probably gonna happen.

And we’re not disagreeing on anything, it just seems you’re being a bit pedantic.