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    I live in a super-liberal neighborhood in Philadelphia and went to vote with my husband and our toddler first thing in the morning. The lines were long but everyone was congenial. I was asked for my ID and when I refused to give it the poll worker smiled and said, "I'm required to hand you this piece of paper now."

    It took my last ounce of parental common sense not to run to my one-year-old's crib and scoop her happily napping self up when I heard the news. Then I read about Saanvi Venna and I sat outside of my baby's nursery like a lunatic, waiting for her to wake up so I could administer the hugs.

    Being pregnant can be like PMS on speed; if you have to pull it together because you've got something that needs doing, you will find a way, but if you have the space to let yourself go you will be sobbing your face off when you can't find your comb.

    Weirdly, I'm disappointed that the Political Pottery part is probably a joke, because I would totally watch that, and if I got to be a guest I would make something mindblowingly awesome.

    Mazel tov! When my daughter was brand new we used to say, "Baby quiet, baby breathing, baby good." And then we'd high-five.

    I went to Moore College, the only all-women's art college in the country, and it was fantastic. I would be furious if it became co-ed because it would completely change the educational experience. It's nice that Deep Springs is becoming more inclusive, but I get the outrage of the dissenting trustees.

    St. Patrick's Day in Philadelphia is the worst. I used to live in a small side street near a block of Irish bars and every weekend in March (yes, that's right, the Erin Express operates every weekend in March) drunk jackoffs would use the side of my building as their urinal/vomitorium.

    The biggest pitfall of internet dating is our own hopes that can turn too easily into expectations; we like to fill in the blanks of our date's personality to our liking because we know that he's into Wilco and he owns a dog. Only when I felt confident enough to go into each date without giving a poop as to it's