Is it really a modern miracle? I mean, do you really enjoy it? Isn’t there more to life?
Is it really a modern miracle? I mean, do you really enjoy it? Isn’t there more to life?
It’s not stupid. That show had about as little sex as you can get. Even David Simon said he put sex in because “people have sex in real life” but it never actually added everything (except to show Omar is gay, McNulty was a sex addict).
Simple. Respond “Maybe”. It’s the adult way of saying no.
Watching people have sex on film is quite boring actually; it’s always the sign of a poor writer or story that relies on sex too much. It’s a rather empty endeavor. Thus, the problem of Game of Thrones and why it’s never as good as the Wire.
Do you only see fucking race in everything? He could’ve been mouthing it in general without a racist leaning. Christ, how myopic, dogmatic and shallow are you?
So you’re telling me, the guy who saved the galaxy, wouldn’t be remembered? You’re right, it’s not like Larry Bird and more like Abe Lincoln. Come on.
But it assumes that the same populations are fighting again and that no history books have been written. I mean they have light sabers, ray guns, travel through space speedily and clones that aren’t clones at all, so you’d think some news about it would leak out or travel.
You should have heard his Howard Stern interview, the guy is clueless. The man thinks that setting the events 40 years into the future, no one would have heard of Luke Skywalker; it’s like saying my generation has never heard of Magic Johnson, Larry Bird or Richard Nixon. Moron.
This is very socially responsible. Or you can just ignore the good that comes from it. Guy who had the permit is also black. Suck it Horn.