
You come off as someone easy to upset.

That seems to be your most defining trait, dumbass.

Literally one of the examples:

Because it’s not a sport, suck it up tiger.

You’re right, it’s akin to chess. Which isn’t a sport, but is a legit competition.

I don’t take latin seriously, I just don’t like the argument “It should be taken seriously because millions do.”. That is literally an example of appeal to the masses.

All of those things you listed off are sports, this isn’t a sport. It

I know, do you?

It is not a sport, it’s akin to chess. So of course I’m not taking it seriously as a sport.

You know how to link to a meme, great job.

That is exactly the right situation.

I will follow you for a very long time, also, you’ve fallen for this three times. Why do you insist on replying to everything? If you had been out of the grey so would I.

Uhuh, Argumentum ad populum.

Hey, Cody, I still owe you those drinks. Especially since you fell for that twice.


Maybe Valve doesn’t do anything because they know that this is all pointless and stupid? That in the end all that matters is that they make money and the rest of you are foolish enough to give it to them?

And we’re supposed to take this “sport” seriously why?

The GIF you used to highlight his skill has him hitting the target at 12 shots.

“Valve isn’t a Game Studio anymore,” esrev309 declared. “It’s purely a profit-seeking company...”

Hi Reddit.

Gotta love it when PC users make a big issue over a non-issue.

You and I know this now, but our younger selves are all idiots.

Oh meh gerd, mods r so imp0rt4nt fur re4lz i shuld sp4nd $400 fur 4an0th3r cunsule fur dem.