@Skyman747: And I think perhaps you should learn about the actual definition of the term rather than telling me how many times I can download it.
"free of their plastic prisons" but chained tightly with DRM? Fated to die a muted death for lack of any sort of ability to even become classic? As a tried and true PS3 fan, I hope the PSPGo dies and ugly, costly death for Sony.
@EmeraldDragon: English, the Monica Belluci of this real-world Irréversible...
@kainzero: HERE! So jealous of Sorimachi...so happy there's another Nanako + Nintendo commercial.
@thecrisisfromthesky: I would presume "time to market" and profitability play a factor here. Especially these days, it's better to turn around a product that can immediately be a source of profit for the distributor (mostly so that the developers don't have their primary source of funding suddenly DISAPPEAR out from…
@ifrit: Aaaand I just realized I didn't read your post well enough...since you already listed that. Hmm. I recommend Blanton's bourbon then. You can taste the sour mash and it's ohhhh so smooth.
Pernod (mixed with water), if you like absinthe-like drinks without actually braving the "I just woke up in an unfamiliar stairwell", Robert Downey Jr. style mornings of that demon drink. I wish I could say I'm kidding.
@synapticflow: Drug use really doesn't have anything to do with morality. That's a construct of the system you/we are living in.
@Mancomb Seepgood: Not to mention systemic racism and xenophobia.
Honing my BlazBlue skills. Then maybe some Little King's Story.
This just made my day. I remember playing Loom late one night at a friend's house, and basically not sleeping (or leaving!) until I beat it. Such a simple yet fun game for kids. I'll definitely pick up a refresh for nostalgia alone.
I FINALLY received my Darvish Yu Team Japan jersey in the mail. Only took 3 months!
Golgo 13 anyone?
Which makes me super glad I didn't buy it to support them. If they aren't going to take the time (or hire competent enough programmers) to port that shit to PS3, how you say....fuck 'em.
Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. Basically the ultimate in transcending games as art, conveying lots of emotion and with very little in the way of actual conversation or narration.
The inherent racism of authority figures in Japanese society is frustrating. I'm getting tired of having to randomly show my passport while over there visiting the in-laws. Not to mention the third degree I always get (even while LEAVING the country) at the airports.
There would be nothing sadder than to turn that bad boy on and see a RROD. You'd literally be able to _hear_ your own hear break.
@Tamachan87: 'L' is NOT in the Japanese language. Neither is 'R' for that matter. The sound you guys are thinking of is somewhere between 'L' and 'D'. Like flicking the back of your top front teeth with your tongue.
Pretty awesome that Famicom outperforms SO many other systems on there.