
I FINALLY received my Darvish Yu Team Japan jersey in the mail. Only took 3 months!

Golgo 13 anyone?

Which makes me super glad I didn't buy it to support them. If they aren't going to take the time (or hire competent enough programmers) to port that shit to PS3, how you say....fuck 'em.

Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. Basically the ultimate in transcending games as art, conveying lots of emotion and with very little in the way of actual conversation or narration.

The inherent racism of authority figures in Japanese society is frustrating. I'm getting tired of having to randomly show my passport while over there visiting the in-laws. Not to mention the third degree I always get (even while LEAVING the country) at the airports.

There would be nothing sadder than to turn that bad boy on and see a RROD. You'd literally be able to _hear_ your own hear break.

@Tamachan87: 'L' is NOT in the Japanese language. Neither is 'R' for that matter. The sound you guys are thinking of is somewhere between 'L' and 'D'. Like flicking the back of your top front teeth with your tongue.

Pretty awesome that Famicom outperforms SO many other systems on there.

Shhh! Stop spilling the beans on the secret places I've spent so much time finding!

My wife and I had a laugh at the various excuses he used for his behavior.

@Bashcraft - There's a type of tea in Kyoto that tastes like months old bongwater...have you tried it?

Ashcraft - I'm sure you'll adjust (as long as you don't mind a couple bumps and scrapes along the way!).

@woons: Yes but half the fun is in going over there and "collecting" on your own! I can't tell you how happy I was when I found a shop in Akiba that had Biosenshin Dan. Then again, I'm a shopaholic...

I would have expected Atlus to rank much higher than it did, given the relatively high prices being asked for the older Megaten games...

It's been answered before and the answer is a resounding NO. We do not want virtual characters to look human. This is known as the "uncanny valley". With that said (and with the fact that, visually, I prefer the j-style Faith), I believe Dice's original concept is more true to the dystopian, live by the seat of

the redesign. the first looks like Lucy Liu. who is ugly IMO.

16800 yen for Radiant Silvergun. With no Saturn to play it on at that!

I've had this ever since upgrading to Leopard...worse come worse, I go in and select to join a new network, then type in my network name and password...

Funny thing is I actually interviewed with those assclowns a while back. They're the types of guys that give tests on polymorphism, design patterns, prototyping, etc OVER THE FUCKING PHONE. I kept thinking 'don't you guys just make some set-top box software or some shit'? Glad I didn't follow up.

@clairlita: living in Austria for a portion of my youth gave me the same feelings for Germanic cuisine. Wurst, schnitzel, and (dare I say it) beef tongue rank up there, but I can understand how people might not appreciate the latter.