
The Mustang could never even hold light to this car. It shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath.

I thought the Ford Capri was the the British Mustang.

I really dig Koenigsegg and their approach to car enthusiasts by being transparent on manufacturing and public design language, it's good PR and build generates more interest in a product. I wish Ferrari would be friendly & do something like this once in awhile.

At least TRY to think about this.

When Wakka was created, he was based off Hawaiians not Jaimaicans. My husband who is Hawaiian reacted positively to his 'broken English' and 'ya' as you say. 'He's totally Hawaiian' he said. If you're going to claim people are ignorant and doing a shitty job at creating cultural diversity in games, make sure you do

Games are just games. Perhaps you should focus on just seeing people as people instead of keeping tabs on their races/sexes as if it matters. See people for the content of their heart not their exteriors.

Much hate is going to flow my direction for the comments that I'm about to make, I'm sure of it:

Just don't rotate your car. Problem solved.

Liberal crybabies will whine either way. Had Wakka been the opposite they would have called him a cultural misrepresentation of Islanders. Just do what those in power do and ignore the twats. We give them parades and days to make them feel special. BHM is my fave of the whiners gifts lmfao

Why? It's half the fun.

That's the problem. It's not that he's gay - I really couldn't care less if he's gay - it's that they've taken what was a great setting made back in DA:O and turned it into a social commentary with no subtlety. It's a problem that a game about Inquisiting and hunting dragons and shit turns into Social Justice


BREAKING: GM recalls their recalls.

The Sonic finally got a recall...

Am I the only one who thoroughly enjoys (most) Call of Duty games? Like, I don't even play the multiplayer all that much, I just think the story modes tend to be really good. It's like an expertly crafted rollercoaster - sure, it's linear and the entire experience falls apart when you try to step to the side, but as

Do people forget the past? This has been going on since the late era of the NES/SNES. Pick up and early copy of a gaming mag back then and look at the games to be released area.

I hated those password prompts.

Okay so it's obvious you're a hipster who assumes anyone who plays anything mainstream is immediately a brain dead moron. I suggest getting the hell off the internet, taking a look in the mirror and realizing that you're an asshole.

Or it's because Patricia spends all her time treating Kotaku like her personal Tumblr and reblogs other people's work, adding generally less than a paragraph of her own contributions. And the odd time she feels ambitious enough to write something herself, it's about something ridiculous that either nobody cares about,