
Nevermind the fact that they would NOT listen to health officials as HIV/AIDS was killing them left and right. Trump and his supporters say Covid 19 is a hoax with the same energy that gay men used back in the 80's.

We need to film our own stuff.  Everybody needs to work for a little bit of nothing so we can build something.  Keep greedy people away.

I called to get my parents’ info so I could set up a burial policy. Was told they have coverage already. Had to cuss my pops out to get him to help my mom consolidate info to pass to me.

Some are stalling on the shelves. Just wait though.

Let’s see who is around longer. Something tells me I will outlast you. I was an ally of your group before I saw who you all were. You are still a man - try me and I will handle you to death you nasty fuck. I’ve faced your best fighters that have tried me - they are bitches.

Nope. Keep your blood.

Good - look forward to seeing you suffer.

Texas is fucked. Lt. Governor said senior citizens in Texas were cool with sacrificing their lives. My parents don’t give a shit either. Preparing myself for the worst and my shitty attitude shows it.

We need more wins like “When they see us” in this arena.

Thank you for this. 

Arizona is the west coast Florida.

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Calling me a boomer is a compliment. My back hasn’t locked up in 5 years. I can still pull through the 40 yd dash without yanking a muscle if I go for 5 seconds. Can still push 295 lbs up a few times without working out. That last plate is too much. And I look like a raggedy bum. The real Michael really gets you going

Call the police

Also, I hope your entire family dies from the coronavirus. I hope you can’t afford to buy food in May. Wishing you homelessness.

I would love to meet you in a boxing ring bitch.

Hell, a white woman tried to kick me at the at the ATM after I wouldn’t let her cut. I blocked it, squared up and realized hitting a white woman was not what I needed in my life. Her son jumped out of the car and stopped short of attacking me after I yelled them down and through a quick jab within mm of his face to

I miss the old Root.

You really don’t want the truth. If it was out, you probably would be getting a letter from your parent company about more than possible lay-offs. Advertising dollars mean shit when nobody can buy. If Dr. Fauci has something to say- say it to the President in meetings so you can make sure his ass is on point. Lose


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My grandfather embraced the name “Buddy” from white folk like you - he was a sharecropper. I’m not him. You are getting fucked too.